Veronicas Insurance Ranked No 1 in the 2021 Top 500 New Franchises by Entrepreneur Magazine

Veronicas Insurance, the leading insurance broker for Hispanics and Latinos, today announced its been named as the No. 1 franchise in the insurance category in Entrepreneur Magazines 2021

Image of David Lemon By David Lemon.
Updated Apr 19, 2021

Veronica’s Insurance Ranked No. 1 in the 2021 Top 500 New Franchises by Entrepreneur Magazine

LOS ANGELES (April 16, 2021)

—Veronica’s Insurance, the leading insurance broker for Hispanics and Latinos, today announced it’s been named as the No. 1 franchise in the insurance category in Entrepreneur Magazine’s 2021

Top 500 New Franchises. The company has earned the top spot on the list for its outstanding performance in areas including unit growth, financial strength and stability, and brand power “We are honored to be recognized by Entrepreneur Magazine as the best new franchise,” said Veronica Gallardo, CEO and founder of Veronica’s Insurance.

“This shows that we are not only the favorites of our clients with the best auto insurance, but also that our community trusts our brand to start their new business, thanks to our franchise model.”

The franchise model was born to give Latino people the opportunity to achieve their entrepreneurial dreams.

Started during the pandemic, the organization’s franchise model created a recession-proof business, where franchisees understand they will receive the support they need to make their office a resounding success.

“We are proving that the American dream can be achieved

with our franchise,” said Raul Dominguez, COO of Veronica’s Insurance. “Because of the ongoing support and continued growth, our model is number one in the country right now.”

Veronica’s Insurance has become a broker leader in the Hispanic insurance market, proving to be a sustainable, profitable, and early trend adopter

business. The company also serves clients in their language to keep the roots of the Latino and Hispanic culture.

Hispanics are the largest ethnic group in California and according to the Latino Economic Institute of California, the economic well-being of this community is critical

to the success of the state.


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