ComForCare in Austin Elevates DementiaWise Certification

The agency receives its DementiaWise recertification, a program that uses research-based behavioral interventions to care for those with Alzheimers disease and other forms of dementia

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Updated Dec 10, 2020

June 10, 2020 // // Austin, TX - ComForCare of Austin, TX, a premier provider of in-home care, announces its recertification as a DementiaWise® certified agency. The agency has been DementiaWise certified for five consecutive years, and this year’s accomplishment marks the first time the Alzheimer’s Association has certified DementiaWise® as a partner program. Through this certification, ComForCare caregivers are trained in a special curriculum to develop understanding and skills in the most effective care techniques.

One of the programs under DementiaWise is Joyful Memories®? – a music program that brings memories to life through music recognition. According to the Mayo Clinic, music can relieve stress, reduce anxiety and depression, and reduce agitation. Joyful Memories can be done in a group setting where seniors and their loved ones sing and encourage movement through dance or as one-on-one activity where the ComForCare team builds a customized playlist based on a client’s life experiences and memories.

The agency also hosts a one-hour Facebook streaming music program five days a week from noon to 1 p.m. CT as an activity that families can participate in together.

“Every 67 seconds, someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia. With ComForCare’s DementiaWise training, our team provides specialized care to keep clients calm, engaged, happy and functioning at their best,” said Brad Massey of ComForCare Austin. “Our care team is dedicated to providing resources for seniors in Austin so all clients can live their best life possible.”

About ComForCare

ComForCare is a premier provider of home care services with nearly 200 independently owned and operated locations in the U.S. and Canada helping older adults live independently in their own homes. ComForCare is committed to helping people live their best life possible and offers special programs for people with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Founded in 1996, ComForCare was acquired by private equity firm The Riverside Company in 2017 and now is part of Best Life Brands, LLC, a multi-brand franchise parent company, which has plans for continued expansion of service brands across the continuum of care for aging adults. ComForCare operates as At Your Side Home Care in Houston.

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