Cinch IT Business Leader Earns Seat on Local Board of Directors

The Marlborough Regional Chamber of Commerce supports a diverse business membership program by providing a forum, resources and opportunities for members to experience individual and collective growth. They offer relevant programming that educates and benefits members and the local economic community while working to make the region a dynamic place to live, work and play.

Image of Dana Cone By Dana Cone.
Updated Mar 4, 2021

Cinch I.T. Business Leader Earns Seat on Local Board of Directors

Tye Jordan joins Marlborough Regional Chamber of Commerce and Board of Directors to help local businesses thrive

MARLBOROUGH, MA – Local franchisee and Regional Director of Cinch I.T., Tye Jordan, has joined the Marlborough Regional Chamber of Commerce and been awarded a spot on the Board of Directors. Jordan aims to create more value for the members of the Marlborough Chamber of Commerce so they can better take advantage of the services and perks offered.

“I am always learning and challenging myself so that I can keep improving, and being on the Board of Directors and a part of the Chamber of Commerce pushes me to stay on top of my game,” said Jordan. “I want to continue to provide the best I.T. support around, along with our fast and friendly service, in order to grow Cinch I.T.’s presence in the area and help local businesses become and remain secure.”

The Marlborough Regional Chamber of Commerce supports a diverse business membership program by providing a forum, resources and opportunities for members to experience individual and collective growth. They offer relevant programming that educates and benefits members and the local economic community while working to make the region a dynamic place to live, work and play.

Cinch I.T. gives small businesses the opportunity to use the knowledge and resources of an I.T. team of over 40 people at a fixed and low cost. The brand provides remote and on-site computer support, and services include I.T. support plans, network security, backup/disaster recovery, cloud computing, cybersecurity software, tech consulting, and more. While most franchise opportunities depend on the local owner to operate most aspects of the business, Cinch I.T.’s hand-on approach offers centralized client support, tech consulting, 24/7 network and hardware monitoring, hardware and software sales and distribution, and centralized billing.

“It is always exciting to see our team members become more involved with their communities, and Tye earning a spot on the local Board of Directors is a huge honor for himself and his Cinch I.T. location,” said Rick Porter, president of Cinch I.T. “We cannot wait to see the positive impact Tye will have as part of the Marlborough Chamber of Commerce and in his local community.”

About Cinch I.T.

Founded in 2004 and franchising since 2019, Cinch I.T. is a managed computer and I.T. support brand that provides businesses with an enterprise level I.T. department for less than it would cost a business to manage their I.T. in house. Today, there are six locations open and operating in Massachusetts. The brand provides remote and on-site computer support, and services include I.T. support plans, network security, backup/disaster recovery, cloud computing, cybersecurity software, tech consulting, and more. For more information, visit

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