Elements owners are proud and excited to be part of the Elements brand and with good reason. They see the value in being part of the rapidly-growing health and wellness industry.
With today's exploding wellness movement, there's no better time for you to own a first-class massage studio to help meet the demand. Elements Therapeutic Massage offers a strong business model based on recurring revenue with a lower initial investment than other national massage franchisors. So as an Elements franchisee, you can indulge:
Surpassing the competition
Elements owners are proud and excited to be part of the Elements brand… and with good reason. They see the value in being part of the rapidly-growing health and wellness industry. Plus, they are passionate about serving their clients effectively, and take immense pride in offering exceptional service and techniques that consumers demand.
The right franchise and the right systemA sound business model, lower initial investment, and recurring revenues make our franchise exceptionally attractive. In one of the worst economies in recent history, Elements actually increased same-studio sales by 27% for 2009 vs. the prior year.*
We also offer tools and support systems that make this opportunity even more extraordinary. And our strong business model that builds recurring revenues makes all our owners feel good. As a franchisee, you'll be proud to receive:
Join the $18 billion massage industry!
The market for massage is HUGE... and accelerating rapidly. In fact, the total amount of money Americans are spending to enjoy the benefits of massage has doubled in the last five years.** And health professionals are increasingly including massage therapy as a form of treatment.
Here's what successful Elements franchise owners are saying:
"Even though I'm not a therapist, it's very rewarding being in the studio and seeing that client come out that's had a great massage. To me, that's a success. Seeing my staff enjoy what they do, that's a success."
— Forrest Burdue
Aurora, CO
"Look at the competition. After you've done your research, compare Elements and you'll see why it is a good decision. That's what we did and we're really glad."
— Pam and Nelson Crespo
Scottsdale, AZ
"I was hooked from the moment I went in. But it wasn't just the massage—it was the whole package. It was the customer's experience. And it fit our personal values of doing something that's helpful for people."
— Steve and Linda Sparks
Spokane, WA
Discover more about Elements
If you believe in health and wellness and are ready to embrace the Elements business model, you can be an Elements massage studio owner. After all, an Elements massage franchise is ideal for both existing and aspiring entrepreneurs. Find out more today!