Water Conservation Tips, Presented By Mercury Insurance

Water is our most precious resource, and permeates through the world around us. However, water is not infinite, and we each have a role to play in conserving water for future generations. There are simple tips homeowners can follow to conserve water and save money.

Image of Georgio Salas By Georgio Salas.
Updated Sep 16, 2022

LOS ANGELES, Calif. (PRWEB) September 16, 2022 - American anthropologist Loren Eisley once said, If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water. Its our most precious resource, and permeates through the world around us. However, water is not infinite, and we each have a role to play in conserving water for future generations.

Water conservation starts in everyday life. Opt for shorter showers instead of running a bath, and turn off the water while brushing your teeth. Look for and repair any leaky faucets, which can consume a lot of water over time.

The kitchen provides another opportunity to take control of the water bill. Instead of peeling and cleaning produce under a running tap, use a large mixing bowl filled with water to clean and prepare vegetables. If using a dishwasher, wait until its fully loaded before starting a wash cycle. If washing dishes by hand, fill up the sink with soapy water to clean them.

A big culprit of a houses water consumption is found outdoors. Native trees, plants, and shrubs are better adapted to an areas rainfall and use less water than non-native grass-lawns. If rainfall in an area is insufficient, opt to water the lawn once a week or every two weeks. For those who compost food waste, this is a great additive to soil as compost can improve the soils water retention.

Using lawn alternatives can be a great way to conserve water. Bellflower, chamomile, sand strawberry (sometimes referred to as beach strawberry) are great options, among other plants. In addition to looking great, these plants also help to repel a wildfire.

Old, leaking pipes not only damage a home, they can also lead to a costly water bill. When the water pools up over time, it can cause wood to rot, or metal to corrode not to mention what it can do to walls and electrical systems. The expenses add up when factoring in the water and money thats being wasted.

'Small leaks in your home's pipes and irrigation system can result in an incredible amount of wasted water,' said Mercury Insurance Product Manager for California, Adam Bakonis. 'Water leaks are preventable and the key is catching them early to minimize the damage.

Takeaway Water conservation not only saves money, but it also saves water for the community. We all have a role to play in insuring present and future generations get to enjoy this great earth. Head over to http://www.MercuryInsurance.com for more tips on how to conserve water.

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