High West Capital Partners Announces Further Expansion into Thailand

High West Capital Partners announced today that they will further expand their structured liquidity solutions offered to institutional investors in Thailand.

Image of Reeves Simmons By Reeves Simmons.
Updated Oct 3, 2021

SINGAPORE (PRWEB) October 03, 2021 - High West Capital Partners announced today that they will further expand their structured liquidity solutions offered to institutional investors in Thailand.

High West Capital Partners structured liquidity solutions will be available for institutional investors holding eligible securities such as equities, bonds, warrants, real estate investment trusts, and exchange traded funds.

High West Capital Partners announcement comes at a time when most Thai enterprises have been severely affected by COVID-19 and have had difficulties accessing credit from financial institutions. High West Capital Partners will continue to assist institutional investors to achieve low cost financing and improve balance sheet cash flow positions.

High West Capital Partners works with clients to structure capital that will fit their investment goals and guidelines. We understand the complexity in todays markets and provide solutions to help navigate all horizons. At High West, we structure flexible financing for clients to create stable long term growth conditions and work closely with management and shareholders to accomplish their goals.

About High West Capital Partners High West Capital Partners is a private investment firm focused on global distressed, special situations add structured finance and 20+ markets spanning from South America to Europe and the Asia Pacific. The firms primary objective is to provide immediate funding to borrowers who need liquidity. High West Capital Partners is able to manage risks inherent in todays equity markets and enhance the value of our investments in global markets and across multiple sectors, based on a unique blend of financial market experience and proprietary algorithmic models.

This press release is not an offer or solicitation to sell or purchase any investment or investment advice. is provided on the basis that you have the capability to make your own independent evaluation of the financial, market, legal, regulatory, credit, tax and accounting risks and consequences involved in the transaction and its suitability for your purposes and, to the extent permitted by applicable law, High West accepts no responsibility or liability in this regard.

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