CT Businessman Seeks to Reverse Property Taxes in New Revealing Book

Author on a Mission to Develop Original Jurisdiction Case at Supreme Court Level

Image of Georgio Salas By Georgio Salas.
Updated Apr 5, 2023

SIMSBURY, Conn. (PRWEB) April 05, 2023 - Connecticut is known as the Constitution State and one local resident has become an expert on the entire 7-article document, having discovered that taxing personal property is actually illegal. Joe Patrina of Simsbury, Connecticut explains why family home and vehicle property taxes imposed and collected by municipalities goes against the Constitution in a new book entitled, Hoodwinked: The Illegal Taxation of Private American Homes.

I invite all citizens to step away from Americas diversionary political brawl, and instead explore a property-tax-and-taking reversal strategy that restores ones economic liberty in owning property free and clear, said Patrina.

Hoodwinked documents how governors use municipalities to circumvent the U.S. Constitution, effectively instructing municipalities into following uncontested state tax code over the U.S. Constitution.

Detailed topics covered in the book include:

Most importantly, Patrinas research extracted the obvious: first, that taxation without representation, enacted through municipal budget processes rather than by each states House of Representatives violates the Constitutions Tax Origination Clause, and second, that Municipal Tax Sale Enforcements ordered without court oversight breach the Constitutions Due Process Clauses. These are clearly U.S. Supreme Court issues.

The Hoodwinked litigation suit is an Original Jurisdiction case, meaning that the U.S. Supreme Court has priority rule over the lower courts when states are implicated with constitutional irregularities. Hoodwinked could actually return the peoples property back to the people, with the states thereafter funding their social programs - including free-K-to-12-Education - via state taxes, as constitutionally allowed. Family homes and vehicles would finally be left alone.

Patrina adds, I am looking to locate lawyers both skilled in Supreme Court protocol, and keen to restore unencumbered private property within the American system.

More information and a full reading of the manuscript can be found at: https://hoodwinked.net/brief. To join the movement, please email jp@hoodwinked.net.

ABOUT JOE PATRINA Constitutional activist and author of Hoodwinked, a U.S. Supreme Court case, Joe looks to sunset the unconstitutional municipal home taxation and property taking irregularities now allowed by state governors. Besides Hoodwinked, Patrina has published books on breast cancer, the origins of the Homo Sapient species, and numerous other historical works. He is also an accomplished singer-songwriter with over 200 titles, and band leader of LittleHouse a country-rock group in Connecticut. In his early years, Patrina co-founded Wall Street Systems, a global foreign exchange trading platform. For more visit http://www.JoePatrina.com and http://www.Hoodwinked.net,


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