Winners of 2021 PhillyCIO ORBIE Awards Announced

Executives from Comcast, Avantor, PECO, Dollar Financial Corporation, SDI, Inc., ASTM International, WellSpan Health Recognized for their Achievements

Image of Devon Walls By Devon Walls.
Updated Oct 22, 2021

PHILADELPHIA (PRWEB) October 22, 2021 - PhillyCIO announced the winners of its 2021 CIO of the Year ORBIE Awards. PhillyCIO recognized chief information officers in seven key categories Leadership, Global, Large Enterprise, Enterprise, Large Corporate, Corporate, & Healthcare. The PhillyCIO ORBIE Awards were presented virtually.

The PhillyCIO ORBIE winners demonstrate the significance of strong technology leadership in these uncertain times. Over the past year, CIOs are leading in unprecedented ways and enabling the largest work-from-home experiment in history, according to Laurie Kimbell, Executive Director of PhillyCIO. The ORBIE Awards are meaningful because they are judged by peers - CIOs who understand how difficult this job is and why great leadership matters.

The 2021 PhillyCIO ORBIE Award winners are:

The CIO of the Year ORBIE Awards is the premier technology executive recognition program in the United States. Since inception in 1998, over 1,800 CIOs have been honored as finalists and over 400 CIO of the Year winners have received the prestigious ORBIE Award. The ORBIE honors chief information officers who have demonstrated excellence in technology leadership. Finalists and winners are selected by an independent peer review process, led by prior ORBIE recipients, based upon:

The PhillyCIO ORBIE Awards keynote was delivered by James Dallas, Two-Time ORBIE Winner and Former CIO of Georgia Pacific. Over 350 guests attended virtually, representing leading Philadelphia organizations and their technology partners.

The 2021 PhillyCIO ORBIE Awards was made possible by the following sponsors:

About PhillyCIO

PhillyCIO is the preeminent peer leadership network of Philadelphia chief information officers. PhillyCIO is one of 21 chapters of the InspireCIO Leadership Network, a national membership organization comprised exclusively of CIOs from public and private businesses, government, education, healthcare and nonprofit institutions.

PhillyCIO is led by a CIO Advisory Board, supported by an executive director and staff. Underwriter executives ensure programs remain non-commercial and exclusive to qualified CIOs and members.

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