SCTA Issues Statement in Support of Industry Relationship with Law Enforcement

The Secure Cash and Transport Association issues a statement affirming its commitment to strong relationships between law enforcement and the armored transport industry.

Image of Dana Cone By Dana Cone.
Updated Mar 3, 2022

PURCELLVILLE, Va. (PRWEB) March 03, 2022 - The Secure Cash and Transport Association (SCTA), a nonprofit industry association representing the vital cash-in-transit and cash servicing industries, today released a statement affirming its strong support of industry relationships with law enforcement.

The statement is as follows:

Recent headlines by some sources serve to divide, rather than unite the interests of the secure cash lifecycle. Certain ongoing media efforts about the relationship between law enforcement and what is being characterized as an armored transport company have us concerned.

The SCTAs membership comprises the largest workforce in the armored transport industry and is a vital stakeholder in any public discussion. As such we feel our voice should be heard.

As a nonprofit association established to represent the shared interests of credentialed cash handling professionals and organizations throughout North America, the SCTA remains devoted to building enduring partnerships with law enforcement and is genuinely grateful for their efforts across multiple jurisdictions every day.

The SCTAs founding members and Board of Directors proudly and unanimously affirm the importance of strong relationships with law enforcement.

The Association continues in its dedication to bringing the full spectrum of industry representatives together to engage in meaningful dialogue and actions that promote the industrys commitment to safe, secure, and legal commerce.

About the Secure Cash & Transport Association (SCTA)

The Secure Cash & Transport Association (SCTA) is a non-profit association established in 2013 to represent the shared interests of professionals in ATM servicing, cash handling/processing, transportation, and safekeeping of cash and coin throughout North America.

Founding members include Cash Connect-ATM Solutions by WSFS Bank, Coin Wrap, Inc., Davis Bancorp, Great American Insurance Group Fidelity/Crime Division, Smith + Griffin, Loomis, Lowers Risk Group, Marshall & Sterling, Rochester Armored Car Company, Inc., US Bank, Willis Fine Art, and Jewelry & Specie USA. Industry groups represented by the association include armored operators, insurance providers, truck builders, financial institutions, ATM cash providers, coin wrappers, security surveys, and compliance providers, and loss adjusters.

Members of the Board of Directors for the Secure Cash & Transport Association include:

President: Mark Lowers, Lowers Risk Group Vice President: Antonio Palmiotto, Willis of New York, Inc. Secretary: Michael Gaul, Lowers Risk Group Jason Kyd, Great American Insurance Group Joseph Shea, Rochester Armored Car J.R. Davis III, Davis Bancorp Laura Jones, U.S. Bank Randall Sheltra, Loomis U.S. Todd Worthey, Brinks, Inc. Susan Ricci, Cash Connect Jim Petit, Giesecke + Devrient Currency Technology America Vincent Modarelli, GardaWorld Stephen Blount, Smith + Griffin David Rydeen, Raising Canes

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