ProAct Safety to Present at ASSPs Safety 2022 Conference in Chicago

Safety leadership and strategy expert, Shawn M. Galloway, will discuss measuring safety excellence maturity.

Image of Maria Kingston By Maria Kingston.
Updated Jun 8, 2022

HOUSTON (PRWEB) June 08, 2022 - ProAct Safety, a recognized pioneer of leadership and safety excellence strategies, announced the companys CEO, Shawn M. Galloway, will deliver a session at the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) Safety 2022 conference in Chicago, Illinois. The conference will take place at the McCormick Place Convention Center and can be attended online.

Diagnose & Prescribe: Measuring Safety Culture Excellence Maturity Maturity model popularity indicates hunger to understand the culture and develop roadmaps to excellence. Few capture the whole picture of safety excellence. Most are descriptive, not prescriptive. Explore how to assess your organization against the new, publicly-available, proven safety excellence maturity model.

ABOUT SHAWN M. GALLOWAY Shawn M. Galloway is the CEO of ProAct Safety and coauthor of several bestselling books. As a consultant, trusted advisor to global corporations, and keynote speaker, he has helped hundreds of organizations within every major industry to improve safety strategy, culture, leadership and employee engagement. He is also the host of the highly acclaimed weekly podcast series Safety Culture Excellence and a columnist for several magazines. Read more about him and his work at

ABOUT PROACT SAFETY ProAct Safety is a global safety excellence consultancy. The company has completed more than 2,000 successful safety strategy, leadership, culture and performance projects in nearly every major industry worldwide.

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