Novogradac Welcomes Fellow as Part of 2022 Open Access Program

National Accounting, Consulting Firm Works to Increase Representation of Black, Latinx Professionals in Community Development

Image of Reeves Simmons By Reeves Simmons.
Updated Jan 19, 2022

SAN FRANCISCO (PRWEB) January 19, 2022 - National public accounting and consulting firm Novogradac welcomes a paid intern who is part of the Open Access Fellowship 2022 program, which works to increase the representation of Black and Latinx professionals working to improve health, education and wealth outcomes in low-income communities across America.

Bianca Cole starts an internship with Novogradac this week as part of a collaboration between Real Estate Associate Program (REAP), the nations leading and most successful initiative connecting professionals of color to commercial real estate for more than two decades, and Open Access, a group of executive-level community development finance professionals.

Novogradac is pleased to continue advancing community development education and looks forward to another successful experience with our Open Access fellow, said Michael J. Novogradac, CPA, managing partner of Novogradac. We believe community development finance can lead to even better outcomes with participation from a diverse and representative professional community.

Across multiple companies, 24 internships are offered. Novogradacs fellow has been matched with a mentoring trained professional and will work a minimum of 16 hours a week. I am excited to be working with the public policy and government relations team to further my understanding of tax credit policy, Cole said. Currently pursuing her Masters in Urban and Regional Planning at Georgetown University, Cole is passionate about equitable and inclusive communities.

All Open Access Fellowsincluding those working outside of Novogradacwill receive 10 hours of virtual education in community development through Novogradac and the opportunity to attend a 2022 Novogradac conference in person or virtually.

Novogradac is honored to have the opportunity to share our educational resources and experience through this program, said Amy Hook, Novogradacs Chief Social Impact Officer. We are well positioned to provide mentorship and an inside perspective, but were also eager to learn from Biancas experiences and perspective.

To be eligible for the Open Access Fellowship, applicants are required to have a four-year college degree. There is no fee to participate.

About Novogradac Novogradac began operations in 1989 and has grown to more than 600 employees and partners with offices in more than 25 cities. Tax, audit and consulting specialty practice areas for Novogradac include affordable housing, opportunity zones, community development, historic rehabilitation and renewable energy.

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