Mastery Training Services Hosts Free Leadership Webinars This March

This month Mastery Training Services is hosting three free webinars to help organizational leaders build new skills and better engage their teams. This month Mastery Training Services is hosting three free webinars to help organizational leaders build new skills and better engage their teams.

Image of Justin Johnson By Justin Johnson.
Updated Mar 3, 2021

NOVI, Mich. (PRWEB) March 03, 2021 - This month Mastery Training Services is hosting three free webinars to help organizational leaders build new skills and better engage their teams.

On Tuesday, March 9 at 2pm EST, Jeff Havens, of The Jeff Havens Company, is joining the Mastery Training Services team to share his leadership presentation, Unleash Your Inner Tyrant! This session shows leaders everything they should avoid, including how to create a culture of fear and mistrust, how to oppress and demoralize employees, and how to stand firm in the face of all change, before wrapping up with a serious conversation about the kind of leaders we should all strive to become. Learn how to become the kind of leader others are excited to follow in this entertaining and informative presentation. For this session, register here.

On Tuesday, March 23 at 2pm EDT, Amy Forehand, of The Forehand Company, is presenting Grow Partnership and Grow You. In this session Forehand helps participants understand what it takes to reframe the leadership role to one of partnership with employees. Participants learn to serve with humility, provide the why and what, create opportunities and celebrate everyone on the team. Forehand explores how to discover sources of insight and motivation, create partnerships to achieve goals, and set actions plans that create impact for your organizations mission. For this session, register here.

Finally, on Tuesday, March 30 at 2pm EDT, Erika Mona, of the Erika Mona Group, LLC, is joining us to dive into The Secret Sauce to Leadership Success. Mona shows attendees what the main ingredients are to the secret sauce of leadership and helps participants learn to develop their own sauce for leadership success. For this session, register here.

Mastery Training services brings in engaging subject matter experts to share their knowledge on topics related to employee development, leadership, organizational culture, diversity and more. The webinars are completely free to attend and usually last about an hour. For our full calendar of free webinars, click here.

About Mastery Training Services

Mastery Training Services is a leader in the corporate online training marketplace. We help organizations grow and become more successful with our comprehensive workplace training systems and services. In this way, Mastery fulfills its mission of helping build more successful, effective and amazing organizations.

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