Leading Across Borders and Business Cultures

A Vanguard Global Network Dialogue with Rich Schatzberg on September 8 at 8 pm EDT

Image of Devon Walls By Devon Walls.
Updated Sep 3, 2021

NEW YORK (PRWEB) September 03, 2021 - The Vanguard Network today announced an interactive Forum targeted at C- Suite leaders aiming for a global role. The session will illuminate how to navigate cultural and regional differences in your workforce, alongside their benefits and challenges.

Leading the discussion will be Rich Schatzberg, Chief Commercial Officer at NeSt Technologies, a global software development and services company with offices throughout the US, Europe, the Middle East, India and Asia.

As always, this Vanguard session will be intimate, interactive, pragmatic, and confidential.

Oftentimes, the growth of your company is contingent on global expansion, said Ken Banta, Founder and Principal of the Vanguard Network. Taking the time to understand the cultural differences within your workforce can significantly increase the likelihood of success.

This event is open to members of The Vanguard Network. Other C-suite healthcare leaders can request an invitation and learn more about membership here https://bit.ly/VG2021_0908linkedin

The conversation is one of an array of membership benefits of the Vanguard Network, which organizes events, publishes content and connects C-suite leaders.

Ken Banta is a top management advisor who works with CEOs and senior executives on leadership, organizational transformation and corporate positioning. Ken has helped to lead eleven successful global transformations and turnarounds, and has advised on many more. He writes regularly for HBR and is a Contributing Author of HBRs 10 Must Reads for CEOs.

Vanguards roster of more than 100 advisors and session leaders includes, David Pyott, past CEO of Allergan, Ashley McEvoy (J&J), Cameron Durrant, (Humanigen), and Tom Sabatino, incoming GC of Tenneco and past GC of Aetna, United Airlines, Walgreens and Schering-Plough.

For more information about the Vanguard Group for Leadership, visit https://www.thevanguardnetwork.com.

Contact Irene Silber Associate Principal The Vanguard Group for Leadership Irene@vanguardgroup.nyc (612) 516-6068

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