Greenberg Traurig Amsterdam Moves to Green Oasis in Zuidas

Today, the Amsterdam office of international law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP moved to Valley, the iconic multifunctional complex in Zuidas.

Image of Carl Norcott By Carl Norcott.
Updated Mar 28, 2022

AMSTERDAM (PRWEB) March 28, 2022 - Today, the Amsterdam office of international law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP moved to Valley, the iconic multifunctional complex in Zuidas. More than 100 professionals will be working and meeting in this inspiring location. With its majestic staircases and water features winding through the building and its lush landscape of trees, shrubs, and grasses, Valley is a green oasis of calm in Zuidas.

Greenberg Traurig credits the move to its strategic expansion in Amsterdam in recent years.

We are moving to an innovative and sustainable building where we will occupy two floors, Co-Managing Shareholder of Greenberg Traurig Cees van Oevelen said. The buildings unique character, in which offices, homes, shops, and catering establishments converge in the open, green gardens, shows a new and more progressive side of Zuidas.

Co-Managing Shareholder of Greenberg Traurig Thomas van der Vliet adds, The move to Zuidas will make our offices easier to reach for our clients. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone to our new premises and having coffee in the gardens.


Greenberg Traurig is leasing more than 3,000 m2 of office space on two floors. The workplaces are located on the third and fourth floors in the office areas and some open offices. The meeting rooms are centred around the reception area. A large internal staircase connects the two floors. Transparency and natural colours are characteristic of Valleys layout. This was also extended to Greenberg Traurigs offices, with plenty of glass, plants, and wood. The overall design fosters collaboration, a key element of the firms global culture.


The new office address is Beethovenstraat 545, 1083 HK Amsterdam. The telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and post office box will remain the same.

About Greenberg Traurig Amsterdam

Greenberg Traurig Amsterdam is an integrated part of Greenberg Traurig, LLP, an international law firm with more than 2,400 attorneys, tax specialists and civil-law notaries, with 42 offices throughout the world.

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