Green Home Systems Exceeds Expectations with First-Quarter Financial Results

Green Home Systems started 2022 on a high note with an abundance of consumer demand and increasing momentum across geographic channels and categories.

Image of Cindi Choi By Cindi Choi.
Updated Apr 11, 2022

LOS ANGELES (PRWEB) April 11, 2022 - Green Home Systems started 2022 on a high note with an abundance of consumer demand and increasing momentum across geographic channels and categories.

Robbie Hebert, Managing Director at Green Home Systems, states, Our teams hard work and discipline is easy to see in the Q1 report. With strategic priorities, we kept our customers best interest in mind and executed on a strong bottom-line. Not only did we increase solar sales overall, but we were able to see a higher than expected gain on batteries, which may be partially due to soaring gas prices. This is a promising start to the year, but we only plan to go up from here.

Who is Green Home Systems?

Green Home Systems (GHS) is one of the fastest growing, privately-owned solar energy companies in the nation providing services to over 20 states. GHS specializes in designing solar panel systems and battery systems for homeowners with the goal to help offset or completely relieve electricity bills while simultaneously helping contribute to a healthier environment.

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Forward-Looking Statement from Green Home Systems:

We are noticing encouraging improvement in solar and energy storage interest from the public. Now that Covid-19 is almost behind us, customers are ready to commit to a long term solar investment on their home. We anticipate a brighter, greener future for the solar industry and the environment.

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