Cybereason Government Inc. Warns of Log4Shell Exploits over Holidays

Cybereason Offers Temporary Workaround to Neutralize Log4Shell Vulnerabilities and Guidance to Address Ransomware Risks Over the Holidays

Image of Sarah Bendorf By Sarah Bendorf.
Updated Dec 22, 2021

BOSTON (PRWEB) December 22, 2021 - Cybereason Government Inc, today cautioned organizations to be vigilant over the Christmas and New Years Holidays in the face of an anticipated surge in cyber attacks. The risk is exacerbated by active exploits targeting the recently disclosed Log4Shell vulnerabilities impacting the widely used Log4j logging software.

A recent report conducted by Cybereason, titled Organizations at Risk: Ransomware Attackers Dont Take Holidays, 60% revealed that cyber attacks occurring over weekend and holiday periods took longer to assess the scope of the attack. Cyber risk this holiday season is compounded by reports of a growing number of attacks exploiting Log4Shell vulnerabilities that impact nearly a third of all web servers and numerous software applications and services.

Cybereason researchers developed a freely available vaccine called Logout4Shell that leverages the Log4Shell exploit to neutralize the Log4j vulnerabilities. Cybereason also recently briefed officials from CISA and the FBI regarding the risk from ransomware attacks over the holiday period specifically, given that most organizations only maintain skeleton crews on weekends and holidays, which increases the likelihood an attack will be successful.

Cybereason recommendations for reducing cyber attack risks during holiday periods include:

Cybereason is dedicated to teaming with defenders in both the public and private sectors to end cyber attacks from endpoints to the enterprise to everywhere. Learn more about the Cybereason Government advantage or schedule a demo today to learn how your organization can benefit from an operation-centric approach to security.

Media Contact: Bill Keeler Senior Director, Global Public Relations Cybereason (929) 259-3261

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