CHC: Creating Healthier Communities launches new nationwide grant program in New England

Six community nonprofit organizations around Massachusetts and Connecticut received funding to advance food security, nutrition or breast cancer awareness

Image of Justin Johnson By Justin Johnson.
Updated Mar 22, 2021

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (PRWEB) March 22, 2021 - As part of a nationwide effort to award grants to high-impact community organizations that address the barriers to good health and equity, CHC: Creating Healthier Communities launched the Investing in New England grant program in February of this year. In March, CHC awarded $30,000 to six nonprofit partners to help them advance food security, nutrition or breast cancer awareness in or around Massachusetts and Connecticut.

Supported programs include:

Funding will help these CHC nonprofit partners reach nearly 950 beneficiaries throughout the year in the greater New England region. CHCs next round of grants begin April 29, awarding funds raised during CHC Giving Day #ForHealthEquity. Nonprofit partners can apply for the priority regions of Oklahoma City and the Greater Twin Cities in Minneapolis, and then nationwide. For more information, contact

ABOUT CHC: CREATING HEALTHIER COMMUNITIES CHC: Creating Healthier Communities, formerly Community Health Charities, is a catalyst for good health, bringing communities, nonprofits, and businesses together around a shared commitment to better health and wellbeing. We represent thousands of high-impact nonprofits nationwide, working to address barriers to good health, and we connect them with capital from our corporate, foundation and government partners to power transformative change. By listening to partners and convening community and business leaders, we ensure that we always act in the best interests of communities, directing resources and expertise where it is needed most. For more information, visit

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