Best Practice Institute and Newsweek Partner on New Most Loved Workplaces Initiative

Newsweek will showcase the top companies where employees love to work in fall of 2021

Image of Maria Kingston By Maria Kingston.
Updated May 12, 2021

PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. (PRWEB) May 12, 2021 - The Best Practice Institute (BPI) and Newsweek today announced that they are partnering on a new initiative, Most Loved Workplaces, that will identify the top companies where employees are happiest and most satisfied at work. The initiative will include a list of the top 100 Most Loved Workplaces, along with profiles of the winners, that will appear in an October issue of Newsweek, as well as other articles based on the research and ongoing conversations with CEOs and CHROs of the top companies.

The Most Loved Workplaces list is based on past research from in-depth analysis of more than 300 companies and over 3,000 executives across the U.S., the Middle East/Northern Africa and Southeast Asia, conducted by BPI, backed by John Wiley and Sons Leader to Leader and the University of Pittsburgh Frances Hesselbein Leadership Forum. The criteria is based on BPI research showing that productivity rises as employee satisfaction increases, with 94% of employees surveyed saying they are three to four times more likely to produce more and perform better for a company they loved and 95% saying they stayed at companies they loved three to four times longer than workers who were less satisfied.

We have drilled down into what love of the workplace means, says Louis Carter, founder and CEO of BPI and author of In Great Company: How to Spark Peak Performance by Creating an Emotionally Connected Workplace, which identifies the specific areas needed to become a highly respected, reputable organization where people love to work with each otherthat is, a Most Loved Workplace. We have the fastest and most reliable method of determining employee sentiment toward an organization which is the biggest predictor of performance beyond culture and engagement.

'At a time when the pandemic has disrupted the way we work and cultural forces are causing us to reexamine workplace values and practices, we believe this is an important undertaking, says Dev Pragad, Newsweeks CEO and co-owner. Were eager to see what the research revealsand excited to provide a platform for the findings on Newsweek.

After an initial interview, companies are validated through a mix of BPI research criteria, employee satisfaction results, and BPIs algorithm that searches for comments on the web related to company employee sentiment. The Most Loved Workplace criteria cover areas around measuring employee feelings of inclusion, respect, alignment with personal values, support in achieving results, and a positive vision for continuous improvement.

Carter remarked, Taking part in this list is enormously valuable to companies because they will get critical data not available elsewhere, along with promotion and marketing in the worlds leading media outlets, Newsweek, Wiley, and our research partner, The University of Pittsburgh Frances Hesselbein Leadership Forum.

For more information visit the Newsweek release at:

***** About Best Practice Institute Best Practice Institute is an award-winning leadership and organization development center, research company, think tank, and solutions provider serving companies ranging from The United Nations and Department of Justice to F500 and mid-sized companies since 2001.

About Newsweek Newsweek is the modern global digital news organization built around the iconic, 85-year-old American magazine.?Newsweek reaches more than 30 million people each month with its thought-provoking news, opinion, images, graphics and video delivered across a dozen print and digital platforms. Headquartered in?New York City, Newsweek also publishes international editions in EMEA and?Asia.

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Most Loved Workplace

Best Practice Institute

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