BACnet International President Authors Forward for BACnet Handbook

Handbook highlights role of BACnet in the innovation of building automation technology

Image of Erin Cahill By Erin Cahill.
Updated Sep 30, 2022

ATLANTA (PRWEB) September 30, 2022 - BACnet International President and Managing Director Andy McMillan has authored the forward for a new handbook published by Softdel. Titled 'Digital Transformation Led Innovation in Smart Buildings,' the handbook covers how the BACnet protocol is driving this transformation in the buildings industry.

This new handbook outlines how BACnet has emerged as the leading global communication standard driving interoperability between a wide range of devices and equipment in modern buildings. It brings together current technical and applications understanding along with future trends for the first time. The handbook is a valuable resource for business and technical leaders to plan their product roadmaps and smart building infrastructure.

Throughout its 25-year history, BACnet has served the community by enabling higher-performance buildings that improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon footprint, and increase grid resilience, said Andy McMillan on the launch of the BACnet Handbook. BACnet has also served the community by accelerating innovation and creating new business opportunities. These benefits of BACnet are accelerating as the world moves forward with digital transformation in the built environment. Softdels BACnet Handbook will help you see more clearly how BACnet bridges IT and BAS and it will provide you with some examples of BACnet supporting and enabling digital transformation.

The handbook can be downloaded for free from Softdel here:

About BACnet International BACnet International is an industry association that facilitates the successful use of the BACnet protocol in building automation and control systems through interoperability testing, educational programs and promotional activities. BACnet International oversees operation of the BACnet Testing Laboratories (BTL) and maintains a global listing of tested products. The BACnet standard was developed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and has been made publicly available so that manufacturers can create interoperable systems of products. BACnet International complements the work of the ASHRAE standards committee and BACnet-related interest groups around the world. BACnet International members include building owners, consulting engineers and facility managers, as well as companies involved in the design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and maintenance of control equipment that uses BACnet for communication. For more information, please visit

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