Argentum Medical Announces Acquisition of Anacapa Technologies

Argentum Medical, pioneer of Silverlon antimicrobial silver-plated dressings, expands its wound-care portfolio through acquisition of Anacapa Technologies antimicrobial wound cleansers, gels and irrigation product lines; Acquisition brings together two leading innovators in antimicrobial wound-care products

Image of Cindi Choi By Cindi Choi.
Updated Jan 18, 2022

GENEVA, Ill. (PRWEB) January 18, 2022 - Argentum Medical, a Shore Capital-backed medical device leader and pioneer of silver-plated nylon technology, today announced the acquisition of Anacapa Technologies antimicrobial wound cleansers, gels and irrigation product lines. Anacapa Technologies is a market leader and innovator in the formulation of antimicrobial wound care products. Argentum Medical acquired Anacapa Technologies to expand and enhance their wound-care portfolio with the addition of Anasept and Silver-Sept product lines. The transaction was completed on December 29, 2021.

Argentum Medical already provides a leading wound-care portfolio, consisting of Silverlon antimicrobial silver-plated nylon dressings and TheraBond 3D wound, surgical site and burn care dressings. To complement its current product portfolio, Argentum Medical will integrate Anacapa Technologies Anasept and Silver-Sept antimicrobial wound cleansers, gels and irrigation solutions with its current wound-care offering (all brand names will remain the same):

Argentum Medical Current Portfolio

Argentum Medical Acquired Portfolio

With this portfolio, Argentum Medical provides clinicians with an extensive range of solutions for the management of wounds, surgical sites and burns to improve patient outcomes.

The acquisition of Anacapa Technologies wound care solutions continues our strategy to innovate patient care with the most sophisticated technologies and expand our growth in the wound-care space, said Raul Brizuela, president and CEO of Argentum Medical. We are excited that Anacapa Technologies is now a part of the Argentum Medical/Cura Surgical family.

Argentum Medical manufactures its products in the U.S. and will continue to market and distribute all its products domestically and internationally.

I am proud that Argentum Medical will become the home for our innovations, and by joining forces, together we will help shape the future of wound-care, said Wally Rogozinski, CEO and inventor of Anacapa Technologies core products. I look forward to seeing this innovative portfolio of products help patients and clinicians globally as part of Argentum Medical.

Anacapa Technologies is headquartered in San Dimas, California. Upon completion of the transaction, Anacapa Technologies wound care solutions will become part of Argentum Medical.

ABOUT SILVERLON SILVERLON wound dressings have a permanently plated metallic surface, which provides the antimicrobial benefits of silver in the dressing without staining the skin and without increasing bioburden. SILVERLON was originally developed for the U.S. military, where it is still extensively used for management of burn and blast injuries. SILVERLON dressings are used today by surgeons and other healthcare professionals around the world on surgical wounds, in negative pressure wound therapy, on chronic wounds, burns, skin grafts, and IV and catheter-related wounds. For more, visit

ABOUT ARGENTUM MEDICAL Argentum Medical pioneered the use of silver-plated nylon. Specializing in the development of innovative products made from silver-plated nylon, the companies continue to explore new applications and markets for SILVERLON technology in keeping with their corporate mission to improve clinical outcomes.

ABOUT SHORE CAPITAL PARTNERS Shore Capital, a Chicago-based private equity firm, is focused on microcap investments within the Healthcare, Food and Beverage, Business Services, and Real Estate industries. Shore supports management partners with capital, business development expertise, and industry knowledge to accelerate growth, fund acquisitions, and generate value for shareholders. Shore targets investments in proven, successful private companies with superior management teams, stable cash flow, and significant growth potential, including organic growth and growth through industry consolidation. Shore has approximately $2.4 billion of equity capital under management through various investment vehicles. For more information, please visit:

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