Aging Life Care Association Names Julie Wagner as New CEO

The Aging Life Care Association (ALCA) recently named Julie Wagner, long-time employee, as new CEO. Wagner will also head the National Academy of Certified Care Managers.

Image of Devon Walls By Devon Walls.
Updated May 16, 2022

TUCSON, Ariz. (PRWEB) May 16, 2022 - The Aging Life Care Association (ALCA) announces the appointment of Julie Wagner to Chief Executive Officer. Wagner has served as interim CEO since January 2022 and prior to that was ALCAs Vice President of Operations and Administration. In addition to serving as ALCA CEO, Wagner will serve as the CEO for the National Academy of Certified Care Managers (NACCM). The organizations are headquartered in Tucson with nine regional chapters across North America.

Julie is a strategic leader who has kept ALCA moving forward and growing not only during a pandemic, but also during critical leadership transitions, says Debra Feldman, LCSW, CMC ALCAs President of the Board of Directors. Her dedication to our members and the work we do as Aging Life Care Professionals will lead ALCA into the next phase.

Wagner joined ALCA in 2011 with a background in hospitality executive management, human resources, and non-profit development. During this time, she has been part of the strategic leadership guiding the Association through renaming and branding, as well as the acquisition of the management of NACCM the only nationally recognized certification in care management.

I am honored and excited to accept this position and lead the community of Aging Life Care Professionals. I believe strongly in our mission and vision and want to raise awareness of the incredible service our members provide, says Wagner. With the complexity of our healthcare system and lessons learned from the pandemic, now more than ever, families need to know when and how to engage an Aging Life Care Manager they are experts in aging well and committed to the highest standards of practice.

ALCA was formed in 1985 to advance dignified care for older adults and their families in the United States. Aging Life Care Professionals have extensive training and experience working with older adults, people with disabilities, and families who need assistance with caregiving issues. They assist families in rehabilitation placement or assist with other long-term care placements and options. The practice of Aging Life Care and the role of care providers have captured a national spotlight, as generations of Baby Boomers age in the United States and abroad. For more information or to access a nationwide directory of Aging Life Care Professionals, please visit

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