Yello Announces Winners of Early Talent Recruiting Excellence Awards

Ernst & Young LLP, NCR Corporation, Credit Suisse Take Honors

Image of Cindi Choi By Cindi Choi.
Updated Jun 8, 2021

CHICAGO (PRWEB) June 08, 2021 - Yello, the leader in early talent acquisition software, today announced the winners of the Early Talent Recruiting Excellence Awards, created to honor the most innovative campus recruiting programs within its client base. The winners, Ernst & Young LLP (EY US), NCR Corporation, and Credit Suisse were honored at Yellos annual client conference, STRIVE, in a special virtual session.

Award winners were recognized for their success in overcoming challenges to their campus strategies caused by the disruptions of COVID-19 in 2020. These teams had to pivot quickly, transform traditional programs, and still meet hiring goals to fulfill their missions.

Yello is proud to recognize client excellence in campus recruiting innovation, transformation and leadership, said Corey Ferengul, Chief Executive Officer of Yello. We have been proud to help our clients transform in this time of change - from adding tech to do virtual recruiting to solving time intensive problems like interview scheduling with automation. The following organizations were honored for excellence in innovation, virtual transformation, candidate engagement, and community service on campus.

Winner Excellence in Innovation Award: EY US

EY US earned honors for its Expedition EY program, an on-demand, interactive, gamified experience that brings students together virtually with a diverse group of their peers from across the US to explore career opportunities in professional services. The program incorporated student feedback to provide a wide selection of content on demand. Expedition EY has been able to significantly bolster diversity recruiting into EY USs Launch and Client serving internship programs.

Winner Excellence in Virtual Transformation Award: NCR Corporation

NCR Corporation was honored for its innovative use of technology to transform its internship program in 2020. The NCR Campus Relations team created a unique technology process for each university and then optimized that process through Yello technology. The team mapped out unique technology solutions for each campus to handle engagement, recruitment and interviewing in August prior to the recruitment cycle. To do this, they analyzed more than 20 different virtual technologies used across targeted campuses and designed the best candidate engagement process to deliver the quickest access, review and interaction with the most candidates. The team was also able to analyze each event to continuously improve its processes.

Winner Excellence in Engagement Award: Credit Suisse

Credit Suisse Americas took its traditional 10-week internship program and recreated it into a 57-week 100% virtual program in 2020. Designed to deliver a substantial learning experience through a remote setting, the program served 375 Summer Analyst and Associate interns from around the world with virtual experience across the bank, including interactive simulated sessions in the Investment Bank and Technology organizations. This series of virtual events included virtual orientation, training, networking, high-impact projects, ongoing education and access to weekly one-on-one office hours with 1-2 mentors and recruiters.

About Yellos Annual Conference: Yello holds an annual client conference to explore campus recruiting and early talent acquisition topics. This years them focused on re-thinking campus recruitment, offering four days of virtual sessions on ideas, best practices and technologies to help organizations re-assess and renew their campus recruiting strategies.

About Yello: Yellos early talent acquisition platform allows the worlds leading brands to deliver personalized candidate experiences to every job seeker, resulting in quality hires and faster fills. The centralized platform is easy to use, enabling recruiters to collaborate with one another to attract and engage top talent. Key hiring statistics provide meaningful insights that lead to more accurate, data-driven decisions while staying on budget. For more information about Yello, visit

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