Urban Marketing: A Revolution in Remote Working, Living

The nationwide search for remote workers has added a new dimension to town and city economic development plans. MountainTop Data CEO Sky Cassidy explains how this urban marketing needs accurate data for it to work.

Image of Devon Walls By Devon Walls.
Updated Aug 4, 2021

CANOGA PARK, Calif. (PRWEB) August 04, 2021 - What if you could work from your favorite vacation spot? Working remotely has been a part of life for far more employees than ever before. And cities and towns have come to see the value of attracting these workers. All of a sudden you get a job, and the company allows you to work from anywhere, even from a different place every week, Sky Cassidy, CEO of MountainTop Data says. Now you can travel and work, and you are like, Holy cow! This is an awesome lifestyle! Thats all possible now.

The revolution in remote working has also opened up new possibilities for municipalities. Remote employees pay taxes, spend money at local businesses, and buy or rent property. That is why many cities and towns across the country have integrated remote workforces into their economic development plans. Aside from offering huge tax incentives to attract corporations, they are also luring remote workers with marketing strategies that tout their low cost of living and high quality of life.

Rental home search platform Apartment List compiled a top-ten ranking of the best cities for remote workers based on affordability and other considerations. The top three are Provo, Utah; Fort Collins, Colorado; and Boise Idaho.(1)

Examples of Urban Marketing States and cities are offering generous incentives as they go head-to-head in their search for remote workers, such as these:

A number of foreign countries have also joined in the hunt for remote workers, in some cases even offering citizenship. Mainly they tout their lower costs of living and their natural beauty. These include Barbados, Bermuda, Mexico, Jamaica, Estonia, Georgia, and Albania.(6)

You don't need a factory. You don't need a saw mill. You don't need anything, Cassidy says. You don't need a high tech campus, any of that stuff in your town. The town just needs to provide a remote workspace with high-speed internet.

Clean Data a Must Cities in the United States trying to recruit remote workers will often turn to a B2B company to execute their marketing efforts. Its a monumental job, so its wisest not to go it alone. Thats where a data solution company can be of great assistance.

Municipalities must first have accurate, well-targeted data. This ensures that the best candidates are identified and generate quality leads. For example, MountainTop Data focuses on job title, job description, industry, company size, geography, technologies used, and social media to make the marketing campaign pay off.(7)

The marketing of cities for remote workers is the new thing because it means more revenue through spending in local businesses. These people are now seen as major assets.

Urban marketing is a win-win situation for all involved. The employee, the company and the location all get something important out of it. But like all good ideas, it must be implemented intelligently and for that you need good data, Cassidy says.

About MountainTop Data MountainTop Data, headquartered in Los Angeles, CA, has been providing data services for B2B marketing for almost two decades. With an unrelenting commitment to quality, they were the first company to guarantee the accuracy of their licensed data and business emails.? They provide marketing lists, data cleaning, data appending and data maintenance services. Their data services have been used by some of the worlds biggest brands across a multitude of various industries from multi-national telecommunication companies to office technology, to PR firms and more. For more information, visit http://www.mountaintopdata.com.

1. Lerner, Michele; These are the best U.S. Cities for remote workers; July 15, 2021; Washington Post; washingtonpost.com/business/2021/07/15/these-are-best-us-cities-remote-workers/ 2. Kaye, Danielle; Capitalizing on remote work, U.S. cities draw in tech workers; July 14, 2021; Reuters; reuters.com/world/the-great-reboot/capitalizing-remote-work-us-cities-draw-tech-workers-2021-07-14/ 3. Calacal, Celisa; The Kansas City that pays remote workers to move there; 10 March 2021; The Kansas City Beacon; thebeacon.media/stories/2021/03/10/the-kansas-city-that-pays-remote-workers-to-move-there/ 4. Ocampo, Sergio; Places That Pay You To Move There In 2021; 19 Feb 2021; Move Buddha; movebuddha.com/blog/get-paid-to-move/ 5. Deerwester, Jay; West Virginia lures remote workers with $12,000 cash, free access to outdoor activities; April 14, 2021; USAToday; usatoday.com/story/money/2021/04/14/west-virginia-12000-move-there-remote-worker-program-offers/7217995002/ 6. Begley Bloom, Laura; Want to Live And Work In Paradise? 7 Countries Inviting Americans To Move Abroad; July 30, 2020; Forbes.com; forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2020/07/30/live-work-remote-move-abroad-coronavirus/?sh=6d3d419c3381 7. MountainTop Data. Targeted B2B marketing data.; mountaintopdata.com/b2b-lists/

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