UnniCo and Drummond Advisors Partner to Accelerate Growth for International Businesses

Together, Drummond Advisors and UnniCo facilitate international transactions and guide companies through their globalization journey

Image of Reeves Simmons By Reeves Simmons.
Updated Oct 7, 2021

ATLANTA (PRWEB) October 07, 2021 - UnniCo, a leading business accelerator for international businesses, and Drummond Advisors, a leading accounting and tax advisory service for international businesses, have announced a partnership to deliver end-to-end growth solutions for the global business. Together they provide the experienced business and financial advisory services companies need to thrive across borders.

Companies charting their international growth face critical challenges - from marketing and human resources to funding and accounting. Its our mission to help global organizations navigate these challenges with the expertise and vision to thrive, said Alex Wieczorek, CEO and Co-Founder, UnniCo. Like us, Drummond is a highly experienced advisor in the needs of the global business. Their full-service accounting, tax and reporting advisory will help our mutual customers streamline their financial operations and set appropriate accounting controls to propel business success. We are thrilled to be partnering with them.

UnniCo is a unique business accelerator with deep expertise in the needs of global businesses. Their expertise has been a catalyst for the business success of many diverse organizations, said Michel de Amorim, partner at Drummond Advisors. This partnership expands both of our breadth and depth of services so that we can help companies globalize themselves and their stakeholders.

Through the partnership, Drummonds accounting, tax and financial reporting services will be offered as a part of the UnniCo business acceleration service portfolio. Drummonds legal services will also be a featured service in the UnniCo suite of services for organizations that need guidance on the right corporate structures for business scalability.

In addition, Drummond will now offer advisory services from UnniCo, including venture capital and funding, branding and digital marketing, human resources strategies and technology services for organizations that seek to expand their international business into the U.S. market.

About UnniCo UnniCo is a unique solution for business acceleration. With more than 1.3 billion in projects under management, we know what it takes to secure funding, build trustworthy relationships and fuel business growth. By using creativity, expertise and a high-powered network we are the business accelerator you need to go from good to unstoppable. When you're ready to realize limitless success for your business, contact UnniCo at: http://www.unnico.us.

About Drummond Drummond Advisors has a multidisciplinary team with experience and certifications to operate in the United States and Brazil. The Drummond team of accountants, lawyers, managers and consultants are widely experienced in international business. The qualifications of these professionals enables Drummond to have a broad and complete overview of the challenges involved in international transactions, including those relating to accounting standards (US GAAP vs. IFRS-International Standards), tax, legal and market analysis. For more information visit: https://drummondadvisors.com.

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