Travis Manion Foundation Named as Best Veteran Nonprofit to Work For

The NonProfit Times, the leading national business publication for nonprofit managers, has partnered with Best Companies Group to identify nonprofit organizations where leaders have excelled in creating quality workplaces.

Image of Reeves Simmons By Reeves Simmons.
Updated Apr 22, 2021

DOYLESTOWN, Pa. (PRWEB) April 22, 2021 - For the third consecutive year, Travis Manion Foundation (TMF) was selected as one of the 2021 Best Nonprofits To Work For. The NonProfit Times, the leading national business publication for nonprofit managers, has partnered with Best Companies Group to identify nonprofit organizations where leaders have excelled in creating quality workplaces. This year TMF ranked No. 22 overall, 9th among small nonprofits, and 1st among all veteran nonprofits.

For TMF its not uncommon to have most of its 49 employees working at numerous locations around the country and with varying schedules. Still, even before the pandemic, employees would gather a few times a year for events or conferences. Chief Operating Officer Josh Jabin said theyve learned that they dont need to be in an office every day from 9-to-5 but its also about finding the right balance with remote work. A common theme among recent staff surveys, however, is that theyre looking forward to getting back to in-person and spending more time with teammates and members they support.

Theres middle ground there we need to find, Jabin said, and relationships and camaraderie have taken a hit since the pandemic. You do the best you can under the circumstances but it doesnt replace in-person, face-to-face interaction.

This survey and awards program is designed to identify, recognize and honor the best employers in the nonprofit industry, benefiting the industry's economy, workforce and businesses. The list is made up of 50 organizations.

To be considered for participation, organizations had to fulfill the following eligibility requirements:

Nonprofits from across the United States entered the two-part survey process to determine Best Nonprofits To Work For. The first part consisted of evaluating each nominated organization's workplace policies, practices, philosophy, systems and demographics. This part of the process was worth approximately 25% of the total evaluation.

The second part consisted of an employee survey to measure the employee experience. This part of the process was worth approximately 75% of the total evaluation. The combined scores determined the top nonprofits and the final ranking. Best Companies Group managed the overall registration and survey process, analyzed the data and determined the ranking.

For more information on The Nonprofit Times Best Nonprofits To Work For program, visit

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