Top HR Leaders and Employees Agree: Flexible Work is Here to Stay

A Benchmark Workforce Survey Conducted by Careerminds and Hunt Scanlon Points to New Expectations for the Future of Work

Image of David Lemon By David Lemon.
Updated Jun 29, 2021

PHILADELPHIA (PRWEB) June 29, 2021 - With U.S. coronavirus infections at their lowest levels since the onset of the pandemic, more Americans are making their long-anticipated return to the office. Over the course of the pandemic most companies adopted remote working to creatively combat the challenges presented by quarantines and other COVID-19 related precautions.

But according to a landmark global workforce survey conducted by Careerminds and Hunt Scanlon Media with over 100,000 employees and HR leaders participating, a majority of respondents now believe the shift to hybrid work, combining in-office and at-home locations, is underway and likely to remain a permanent fixture of the new workplace. The shift to flexibility is improving the employee experience and promoting a better work life balance. It is also giving companies a competitive advantage in attracting, recruiting, retaining, and outplacing employees.

The positives born out of the new flexible workforce were made explicit in the survey results: 80% of HR professionals said the new flexible workforce made their company a better and more competitive place to work. 61% of employees polled agreed.

The Careerminds / Hunt Scanlon workforce survey provided the best insight yet on what the future of work will look like and how it is benefitting the recruitment and retention of employees. Half of all HR respondents said the new, flexible workforce improved retention and nearly 60% said it has already bolstered their ability to attract top talent. With more flexible work scheduling and commute options, companies can now recruit from a wider, and more diverse, talent pool concluded the report.

We are in the midst of the most transformational period Ive ever seen inside the American workplace, said Raymond Lee, CEO of Careerminds. Understanding why both employees and human resources professionals are keen on continuing to practice a hybrid working will be crucial in remaining competitive in the quickly changing business landscape in a post-pandemic era. Our survey results provide all the reasons why companies are moving to a flexible workforce future and Careerminds supports that, he said.

To see the full results of the survey, please visit:

ABOUT THE NEW FLEXIBLE WORKFORCE Survey findings are based on data gathered by Careerminds and Hunt Scanlon Media. The survey was conducted globally from April 6-27, 2021 and targeted top human resources professionals and employees. For this survey, and corresponding polls, over 100,000 respondents were asked about their employment, company size, and thoughts on the ongoing shift to the new flexible workforce.

ABOUT CAREERMINDS Careerminds is a leading provider of global outplacement services and a thought leader on topics around remote work and hybrid workplaces. We utilize cutting-edge technology in multiple languages in over 50 countries around the world. Our personalized, one-on-one career coaching, allows us to deliver customized services to anyone, anywhere at a lower cost than other firms. We promise to support participants throughout the whole process by working with them until they are placed in a new, meaningful role. Getting employees back to work is our mission and our guarantee.

ABOUT HUNT SCANLON MEDIA Hunt-Scanlon Media has been defining and informing the senior talent management sector for over 32 years. Our global staffing intelligence data comes in many forms: daily newswires, annual leadership and state of the industry reports, market intelligence sector briefings, and in our flagship newsletter Executive Search Review. Our exclusive news briefings, interviews, industry trends reports and rankings, forecasts and expert commentary offer unique insight and market intelligence as we track global talent management developments. Since our inception, talent management professionals worldwide have turned to Hunt Scanlon Media making us the most widely referenced, single source for information in the human capital sector.

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