Quintessa Marketing to Fill 20 New Jobs in Oklahoma City

Quintessa Marketing Jobs Initiative in Oklahoma City

Image of Cindi Choi By Cindi Choi.
Updated Aug 5, 2021

OKLAHOMA CITY (PRWEB) August 05, 2021 - In 2020, Covid rocked the economic landscape, especially for retail and service companies that relied on retail traffic. The unfortunate results have included businesses shutting their doors forever and good employees finding themselves without a job for the first time in years.

However, throughout 2020 and 2021, Quintessa Marketing, a national leader in helping injury victims find legal counsel, has thrived and launched a new initiative to hire twenty new intake specialists to their call center in Oklahoma City by September 15, 2021.

Jason Love, the Director of Intake at Quintessa Marketing, is leading the initiative. We see two problems that can be fixed here, he said in a recent interview. We see a community that needs opportunity, with many quality people that are out of work in this city. Thats the first. The second is that we have the real need to add quality people to our intake department. This is a win/win situation!

When asked about who would be a good fit for an intake job at Quintessa Marketing, he replied, We have about twenty-five superstars in the department, all with different professional backgrounds. They come from retail, food service, office, warehouse, and other backgrounds. They all have excellent telephone and communication skills. What makes them a perfect fit is their ability to learn quickly coupled with a drive to truly help people that have recently been injured in an accident.

According to the 2019 Census Results, the average annual income for someone residing in Oklahoma City was $30,647. The position compensation is a high hourly wage with bonus structures for individuals to have the opportunity to exceed sixty-thousand dollars in their first year of employment. This is more than double the 2019 average annual income for Oklahoma City.

As for the culture, we asked Mike Walker, who first started with Quintessa Marketing in June of 2020. It is a really unique environment. If you work hard, you are rewarded. It is fast paced, but everyone treats each other like family.

The Quintessa Marketing Oklahoma City headquarters is located in the iconic 50 Penn building in northern OKC. The address is:

Quintessa Marketing 1900 Northwest Expressway Suite 1600 Oklahoma City, OK 73118

For more information on this and other job opportunities at Quintessa Marketing, visit http://quintessamarketing.com.

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