Project Management Services to Alleviate Engineer Burnout

To help project management engineers steer clear of workplace burnout, Management Alliance Programs (MAP) offers project management services to industrial companies to assist your team of engineers.

Image of David Lemon By David Lemon.
Updated Apr 22, 2022

MENOMONEE FALLS, Wis. (PRWEB) April 22, 2022 - Alleviating engineer burnout is a workplace problem. The Mayo Clinic defines burnout as the state of physical, emotional or mental exhaustion combined with doubting how competent you are about the value of your work. Like many professions, engineers often deal with stress on the job.

To help project management engineers steer clear of workplace burnout, Management Alliance Programs (MAP) offers project management services to industrial companies to assist your team of engineers.

When a new, or existing, commercial project is monopolizing the majority of an engineers time and resources, the delicate work-life balance can become an issue. Overtime, weekend hours and coming in off-the-clock in order to deal with issues can take its toll on project engineers and their team members.

MAP Project Management Engineer

By employing a project management engineer from MAP, you add a team member that can take the weight of an entire project off of one workers shoulders. By doing so, you allow workers to use the proactive side of their brains instead of the reactive side. Helping your company to reduce, or stay on, its production budget.

Management Alliance Programs has been in business since 1975. Since then, they have cultivated an extensive team of over 150+ highly qualified engineers. These engineers can join your project management staff as soon as you may need it. Unlike other firms who are maxed out when their staff of 20 or 50 engineers are tied up on other projects.

Whether your company is located in the United States or in Canada MAP has a project management engineer to help your staff alleviate engineer burnout.

About MAP Engineering: Since 1975, MAP Engineering has dedicated itself to engineering services for food and beverage, pharmaceutical manufacturing, consumer packaged goods manufacturing, engineering and building construction, chemical manufacturing, industrial material manufacturing, automation/material handling, heavy equipment manufacturing, metal fabrication manufacturing, medical products and equipment manufacturing, energy systems engineering, utilities engineering, gas and oil engineering, telecommunications engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, agricultural engineering, pulp and paper manufacturing and industrial machinery engineering services throughout the United States and Canada.

For more information about MAP Engineering, please visit the corporate website at

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