Maine Workers Plan to Continue Working from Home Even after Pandemic

Live and Work in Maine releases results of its second Future of Work in Maine survey

Image of Georgio Salas By Georgio Salas.
Updated Apr 6, 2021

PORTLAND, Maine (PRWEB) April 06, 2021 - Nearly eight in ten Maine workers currently working from home intend to continue working remotely at least part time even when pandemic restrictions are fully lifted, according to the results of a survey released by Live and Work in Maine.

Over 300 Maine residents participated in the organizations Future of Work in Maine survey, which explored current and future planned remote work habits, as well as attitudes and perceptions about career opportunities in Maine. The 309 respondents work in person, remotely or a combination, and include people who work remotely for companies inside and outside Maine.

Of the respondents who are currently working remotely, nearly half (47 percent) have been working from home for less than a year; 78 percent have worked from home less than three years. More than 35 percent reported they will Definitely continue working from home after the pandemic is over, while another 47 percent say they will work remotely at least part of the time.

When looking toward the future and where they see themselves in 5-10 years, over 50% of respondents said they want to be working for a Maine employer, while 30% said theyd like to be working in Maine for a company based elsewhere (remotely or otherwise). Interestingly, 24% answered they would prefer to work for themselves. When asked to name their Maine dream job, responses encompassed a broad spectrum of positions and industries, including higher education, healthcare, creative professions, high tech, and more. Notably, a number of respondents said, I already have my dream job in Maine!

Two-thirds (65 percent) of survey respondents reported they are not originally from Maine, but the vast majority of respondents (87 percent) agreed or strongly agreed with the statement, I can see myself living and working in Maine for years to come. More than 85 percent of respondents envision themselves working in Maine for at least the next five to ten years.

Among them is Laura Bennett, an Ohio native, and her husband, Cy, who relocated to Maine from Indianapolis. The couple began talking in the summer of 2019 about where they would start their life together, with Portland rising to the top of the list. Having vacationed here several times, and already planning to have their wedding in Maine, they began exploring relocation opportunities in earnest, including participating in events hosted by Live and Work in Maine where they made connections, explored all Portland had to offer, and made connections.

In February 2020, after participating in one of Live and Work in Maines Imagine M.E. and You Weekends, they decided to make the leap and move to Portland. When the pandemic hit the following month, it slowed their plans, but also gave them additional time to figure out how to make the move work for them both. They sold their home and moved to Maine in September 2020 and havent looked back. While Cy had been working from home since March and continues to work remotely at his job in Indiana, Laura used the connections she had made through Live and Work in Maine and was hired by MaineHealth as Global Contingent Staffing and Pipeline Coordinator.

While the friendly, supportive people in Maine remind Laura of her Midwest roots, the things she loves about her new home are completely different from life in Indianapolis. Being able to go see the ocean every day, any daythats amazing! Shes also enjoying the myriad outdoor activities in all seasons, the restaurants and the opportunities to build community here.

Media Contact: Angie Helton, 207-653-0365 or

About Live and Work in Maine

Live and Work in Maines mission is to market Maine as a career destination. Through our marketing efforts, we show the world that when it comes to quality of life and career opportunities, you can have the best of both by choosing to live and work in Maine. is a robust resource for potential and current Mainers, which enables searching for employers and jobs based on lifestyle and/or geographic region within Maine. The site also includes 'success story' testimonials from professionals who have relocated to Maine, details on internships and first career options for college stu-dents and new graduates, and information on the lifestyle offered by each of Maines eight geographic regions.

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