Investopedia Names INFINITI HR Best 2022 PEO for Large Businesses

A Washington Post Top Place to Work in 2019, INFINITI HR, was recognized among other professional employer organizations for handling businesss administrative, financial, and human resources (HR) needs including payroll, employee hiring, and benefits.

Image of Dana Cone By Dana Cone.
Updated Apr 23, 2022

NEW YORK (PRWEB) April 23, 2022 - Investopedia, the world's leading source of financial content on the web, has named INFINITI HR, a rapidly growing and customer-focused PEO, to its list of the best professional employer organization companies of 2022.

Investopedia narrowed it down to the top seven PEO companies that were not only accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB), but also the Employer Services Assurance Corporation (ESAC), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to bring you the very best PEO services in the market.

INFINITI HR is Investopedias pick for the best PEO for large businesses because it is the first PEO created specifically for franchises and hotel management. INFINITI HR has extensive experience in working with some of the countrys most popular franchises and largest hotel brands, including Choice Hotels International, Best Western, Massage Envy, and Supercuts. INFINITI HR allows businesses to personalize services with the option to pick and choose services for a custom bundle. It separates out major services like HR support and payroll so businesses can opt for one without being stuck with the other. Its the kind of flexibility that large enterprises look for when converting to a new provider. A unique feature is its recruitment services, which help to keep companies stacked with the top talent they need to keep growing.

INFINITI HR offers many attractive employee perks, such as the full bouquet of health, dental, vision, and life insurance. Other benefits include unemployment, workers compensation, and liability claims support. For business owners, there are support services available, such as state-specific HR systems with on-demand consulting services and compliance and risk management. For those focused on growth, there is even recruitment outsourcing available to scout out talent and advance teams.

To access the complete list of best PEO companies, please visit

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Investopedias mission is to simplify financial information and decisions so that its readers have the confidence to manage every aspect of their financial life. Investopedia was founded in 1999 and has millions of users from all over the world and from all walks of life.


INFINITI HR is a leading Professional Employer Organization (PEO). The INFINITI HR PEO platform provides full regulatory compliance management, on-demand HR guidance, real-time payroll /tax filing, POS integration, and access into industry leading True-Group Master Policies for workers compensation, employment practices liability insurance, and other operational business coverages.

Click here for the latest press releases and up-to-date news on human resources outsourcing. To learn more about how your units can save time, money and mitigate employer liability, call INFINITI HR at 866-552-7360 or email

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