Explore Benefit Package Customization Options Through Freshly Designed NewBenefits.com

Brokers and Consultants are able to test out all the various ways to mix and match benefits for a custom solution, initiating the sales conversation.

Image of Carl Norcott By Carl Norcott.
Updated Jul 20, 2021

DALLAS (PRWEB) July 20, 2021 - New Benefits, the leading non-insured benefits provider, is enabling employee brokerage/consulting firms, associations, and insurance companies to explore their ideal benefit solution through the redesigned NewBenefits.com. Prospective clients can use our benefit aggregation tool to determine a potential custom benefit package directly on the website and submit their interests to the benefit pros of New Benefits.

Flexibility distinguishes New Benefits from every other benefit provider. Now our prospects can experience it first-hand through our website, said Joel Ray, CEO of New Benefits. New Benefits has aggregated 30+ of the top non-insured benefits in the market and made them available on a single platform, alleviating the need for brokers and consultants to chase down a different vendor for every service they need. Our new website design allows prospective clients to review a practically endless combination of benefit packages based on their goals or interests.

Through the NewBenefits.com Search Benefits page, website visitors can review all of the aggregated benefits and dream up their ideal solution. As prospects review all the available benefits, they can select which ones they are interested in, read a brief description on each one, and click the Start a Conversation button to submit their interests to the benefit pros at New Benefits.

When we say New Benefits allows for a fully custom benefit package, we truly mean head-to-toe custom, said Nicole Liebnick, Vice President of Marketing at New Benefits. Providing a tangible way for prospective clients to discover unique benefit package options on the website helps them better grasp our customization abilities and initiate the sales process.

Visit http://www.NewBenefits.com/Benefits to explore benefit customization solutions.

ABOUT NEW BENEFITS New Benefits has been disrupting the benefits marketplace since 1990 with innovative products, cutting-edge technology, and first-class service. As the leading wholesaler of non-insured benefits, we aggregate the most sought-after healthcare and lifestyle solutions for over 4,000 groups and millions of members. Our clients strengthen their health plans with a customized blend of 30+ non-insured benefits to help members navigate healthcare, find affordable care, reduce stress, and save time all conveniently packaged in an easily accessible mobile app and web platform. Through regular use of their benefits, our members save millions of dollars annually on healthcare and everyday living expenses, increasing their happiness and productivity at work and home. Learn more at http://www.NewBenefits.com

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