By Carl Norcott.
Updated Jul 30, 2021
BOCA RATON, Fla. (PRWEB) July 30, 2021 - As of mid-July 2021, CDC data was released showing that COVID-19 infection rates, hospitalizations, and deaths in the U.S. are once again on the rise. These distressing increases are most common in the non-vaccinated population, and many are linked to the highly infectious Delta variant of the virus. Most models show the trend increasing at least in the near term, with long-term predictions varying more widely. The forecasts make different assumptions about social distancing measures, such as public gatherings, mask-wearing, and the hygiene measures that were recommended during previous phases of the pandemic. Increased vaccination rates and the emergence of new variants also affect long-term forecasts.
Like many others in healthcare, the team at American Traveler had hoped that the acute need for travel nurses would subside as COVID-19 vaccinations became available to the general public. During early peaks in the pandemic, hospitals were in dire need of travel nurses -- so named because they travel from hospital to hospital and work where they are needed most. Travelers were needed to shore up permanent staff, some of whom became infected themselves, many of whom were suffering from burn-out, and all of whom found themselves overwhelmed by patient load and the seriousness of their conditions.
Supplemental RN Staffing Needs on the Upswing
During these periods of urgent need, hospitals were paying premium rates for the staffing help they desperately required. As the pandemic abated, so did the need for supplemental staff -- along with the compensation offered.
However, in mid-July 2021, those supplemental staffing needs, considered crisis response nursing jobs, once again began rising, along with the pay rates offered to travelers.
Which Specialties are Most Needed and Where
In the last two weeks of July, American Traveler has seen week-over-week travel nursing job openings increase up to 55%, depending upon the specialty. Position postings at American Traveler may soon exceed the number seen during COVID peaks in 2020. The majority of those increases have been in the Med-Surg/Telemetry specialty and in the ICU. These are the same specialties that were most needed in the early phases of the pandemic. American Traveler has also seen an increase in needs in the Emergency Department and for Respiratory Therapists.
Likewise, traveler pay rates are rising in these areas of specialization. Still, this latest wave is different from those that came before, primarily due to the many lessons that were learned over the past 18 months. There has been much progress made in testing, transmission, availability of personal protective equipment, care protocols, pharmaceutical, and non-pharmaceutical interventions.
Travelers are needed throughout the nation. Increases are currently noticeable in areas that have lower vaccination rates and are known for more lax social distancing policies. Demand for travelers is rising in states like Florida and Missouri. In some cases, the increases are more pronounced in specific areas within the state.
Staffing for this Resurgence is Different
This time around, we are fortunate enough to have ready access to vaccines for healthcare providers, which has addressed the very real concerns that RNs had in 2020. Transmission and breakthrough cases are still a possibility, not to mention the stress of caregiving under these circumstances. Nurses arent just heroes for a limited time. Theyre always heroes, and they just keep on proving it.