Change the World...A breakthrough course!

The unique and tangible value of this course, presented in four units with unit test scores required before unlocking the next unit, builds out from the proven learning theory approach that the student acquires her/his upskills by mastering the process of unbiased hiring of talent, not the habitual relying on software that matches key words.

Image of Georgio Salas By Georgio Salas.
Updated Oct 5, 2021

NEW BRAUNFELS and AUSTIN, Texas (PRWEB) October 05, 2021 - A new, breakthrough online course has been researched, developed, designed and launched as Map to Hiring Success and is now on the Kajabi platform according to The Slade Groups Joe Slade, CEO. (

Age bias is rampant throughout the hiring process. Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) recruiters need a new paradigm and path to create measurably better hires by focusing on talent recruitment and the elimination of age and inclusion biases through the entire pipeline from job description to applicant tracking software (ATS) usage to onboarding and team development.

Until now, the digital and upskilling landscape has been littered with offers to improve hiring without accountability and transparency for both intentions and outcomes.

Similarly, leadership teams, from the CEO down to the hiring and team operations managers, have failed. The data, acquired from major industry, professional association and academic sources, tells the repeated story of stonewalling in jobs posting by making the position available only to a limited applicant population, stalk horsing, matching only desired key words that belong to preferred peer groups, and ghosting qualified candidates of all ages and statuses who have applied.

The unique and tangible value of this course, presented in four units with unit test scores required before unlocking the next unit, builds out from the proven learning theory approach that the student acquires her/his upskills by mastering the process of unbiased hiring of talent, not the habitual relying on software that matches key words.

The course is priced at $49.77 for individual professionals and managers, with attractive price options for groups between 2-5 and 6-25.

For additional information, please contact Joe Slade. or 512 799 4676.

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