Axiom, Powered by JMT Consulting, Announces Partnership with Funeral Decisions

Axiom, Powered by JMT Consulting is pleased to announce an innovative partnership with Funeral Decisions. This partnership expands Axioms capabilities by integrating a fully functional CRM solution with Axioms existing solutions covering sales, finance, mapping and more.

Image of Carl Norcott By Carl Norcott.
Updated Mar 7, 2022

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (PRWEB) March 07, 2022 - Axiom, Powered by JMT Consulting is pleased to announce an innovative partnership with Funeral Decisions. This partnership expands Axioms capabilities by integrating a fully functional CRM solution with Axioms existing solutions covering sales, finance, mapping and more.

Our goal is to provide Axiom clients with tools that help them to help more families, states Funeral Decisions CEO, Michael Regina. Were excited to work with Axiom to provide sales and marketing solutions that complement their cemetery management system.

Funeral Decisions is a great benefit to Axiom clients and prospective clients, says Axiom COO, Stephanie Rose-Belcher. The integration of Funeral Decisions complements Axiom by advancing our clients marketing and sales automation efforts.

Funeral Decisions is a user-friendly application designed to help cemeteries manage their sales leads and families more effectively. Integrated with Axioms solutions, Funeral Decisions will enable users to have access to more advanced sales and marketing features such as email marketing, family follow up and pre-need sales leads to better serve their families.

About Funeral Decisions: Funeral Decisions was started in 2008 by Michael Regina, a 3rd generation Cemeterian and Matthew Uffalussy, web development Guru, to help cemeteries and funeral home connect with undecided families in search of funeral services. Over the years the company has grown to include a variety of sales and marketing products designed specifically for funeral directors, pre-need counselors & cemetery sales teams.

About Axiom: Powered by JMT Consulting and integrated with their HR, payroll and budgeting services, Axiom helps cemeteries streamline processes using an end-to-end cemetery management software. With full digital visibility into their operations, users can manage and integrate sales, marketing, customer service records, and finances from one central hub. Axiom, Powered by JMT, streamlines and optimizes cemetery operations, reducing administrative tasks and reliance on paper records.

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