AMS CAD + CAFM Solutions Announces Name Change to AMS Workplace Technology

Focusing on facilities management software and technology, AMS rebrands their company name and web site.

Image of Carl Norcott By Carl Norcott.
Updated Apr 12, 2021

FAIRFIELD, N.J. (PRWEB) April 12, 2021 - AMS CAD + CAFM Solutions (AMS), a leading Certified Premier Business Partner of FM:Systems of almost 20 years, announced today that the company will begin operating under a new name and will do business as AMS Workplace Technology.

This rebranding strategy better reflects the focus of the companys service offerings since selling its Autodesk value added reseller (CAD) business in 2018. In addition, the Computer-Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) acronym has since been widely replaced in the industry by the term Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS). The AMS logo will remain the same with the exception of the words CAD + CAFM Solutions which will simply be replaced by the words Workplace Technology.

In addition, AMS is re-launching an updated company web site and domain under Email addresses will now change to this address as well. The old domain will continue to work for both the web site and email addresses as a legacy redirect for several years to come during the transition. Owner and President, Dan Lorenz stated This rebranding strategy reflects the evolution of the company under new ownership and I believe this change in our company name more specifically reflects our expertise in workplace software and technology solutions. We are also very excited about the re-launch of our web site which now provides much better content about the services and solutions we offer.

About AMS Workplace Technology AMS Workplace Technology (AMS) is a leading Premier Certified Business Partner with FM:Systems of 19 years that specializes in consulting, design, and implementation of facilities management software and technology solutions. AMS is a full-service, goals-oriented CAFM/IWMS implementer that partners with customers to bring them best-in-class FM applications. Our innovative solutions combined with our industry experience have helped many of FM:Systems largest and most successful customers including corporate facilities, pharmaceutical/research companies, higher education campuses, and health care institutions.

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