VentureSouth Launches RollingSouth An AngelList Rolling Fund for the Southeast

VentureSouth is excited to announce that it has launched RollingSouth a Rolling Fund powered by AngelList and VentureSouth.

Image of Heath Fellows By Heath Fellows.
Updated Oct 12, 2021

GREENVILLE, S.C. (PRWEB) October 12, 2021 - VentureSouth is excited to announce that it has launched RollingSouth a Rolling Fund powered by AngelList and VentureSouth.

VentureSouth is one of the largest angel investment groups in the United States, with over 400 members and 50 active portfolio companies, and is recognized by the Angel Capital Association as one of the top 10 groups in North America. The group invested $9.2 million in 26 companies in 2020, and is on pace to invest more in 2021.

RollingSouth is the first rolling fund a innovative subscription investment fund created by AngelList affiliated with VentureSouth. The fund will invest alongside VentureSouth in early-stage technology companies in the Southeast.

Unlike traditional angel funds, RollingSouth is being raised publicly. Anyone, not just VentureSouth members, can invest in the fund through AngelList. VentureSouth believes this is the first Rolling Fund closely affiliated with an angel investment group, and a rare fund covering technology companies in the southeast.

Paul Clark, a Managing Director of VentureSouth, commented: Rolling Funds are a new way to make angel investments through a publicly-accessible subscription fund. We are excited to be bringing this innovative model of angel investing to the southeast, and expanding the population that can join VentureSouths mission to Make Money, Have Fun, Do Good.

To subscribe to RollingSouth, please review the fund on AngelList and subscribe, or visit

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