transcosmos expands BPO Center Sasebo to accommodate growing BPO business

Plans to employ about 100 new members

Image of Justin Johnson By Justin Johnson.
Updated Dec 5, 2022

TOKYO, Japan (PRWEB) December 05, 2022 - transcosmos inc. hereby announces that the company will expand BPO Center Sasebo, its center opened in 2019, by around 440? to accommodate the growing BPO business, and employ 100 new members.

As society continues to digitize, companies are accelerating their business transformation. Combining BPO and digital transformation (DX) solutions, transcosmos helps businesses achieve transformation with a range of end-to-end BPO services that underpin clients' business foundation.

Now, given the rising demand for BPO services, transcosmos will expand its BPO Center Sasebo, its second center in Nagasaki prefecture opened in 2019. The BPO Center Sasebo focuses on highly specialized corporate back-office services including accounting and HR business operations.

Governor of Nagasaki prefecture Kengo Oishi made the following remarks on the planned center expansion. 'We are grateful for transcosmos inc. in your decision to expand the BPO Center Sasebo. It is encouraging news for us, a prefecture facing a declining population, especially the young generation moving away from the prefecture. transcosmos has opened two BPO centers in Nagasaki city, and one in Sasebo city, and has employed more than 1,000 people in the prefecture to date. We understand that you are planning to employ 100 additional people along with the expansion. Given such a huge job opportunity you have created in our prefecture, we highly expect to see more young people stay and work here, and people who have moved to bigger cities return here for work as well as people from other prefectures move in for work. We, Nagasaki prefecture and Sasebo city, continue to work as one to assist you in performing business smoothly and constantly growing your business together with communities.'

Mayor of Sasebo city, Norio Tomonaga made the following remarks. 'As part of the company's SDGs initiatives, transcosmos inc. positions the center in our city as a Normalization Office - the only one office among 70 centers transcosmos manages in Japan - which offers a working environment where disabled people can contribute to the company in generating sales and profits in their own style just like people without disabilities. Working with our city's employment support council for persons with disabilities, the center actively hires persons with disabilities. Not only hiring disabled persons, transcosmos offers a diverse workstyle options such as flexible working hour arrangements and contract types at the center. In addition, transcosmos is actively serving our community as a member of our citizens, co-sponsoring transcosmos cup - a junior baseball tournament donating surgical masks to our social welfare council, and more. Furthermore, the location of the center has increased people coming and going, serving to enliven the Tono-o Market. transcosmos has decided to upsize the center because the company believes that it can attract talented people continuously in our city. Sasebo city itself is working on creating jobs for the young generations, and so we sincerely appreciate transcosmos in actively hiring new graduates from universities and high schools. In return for your contribution, and to meet your expectations, Sasebo city, Nagasaki prefecture, Nagasaki industrial promotion foundation and HelloWork Sasebo will work together and carry out job fairs and other activities to assist transcosmos in expanding its business efficiently.'

? BPO Center Sasebo Overview

Name: BPO Center Sasebo Address: 1-19, Matsukawa-cho, Sasebo city, Nagasaki prefecture, Japan Total floor area: Approximately 2,200? (expanded approximately 440?) Number of workstations: Approximately 500 (added approximately 100)

transcosmos will continue to offer services that underpin their business transformation. At the same time, transcosmos will contribute to the revitalization and development of local communities by creating more job opportunities.

About transcosmos inc. transcosmos launched its operations in 1966. Since then, we have combined superior 'people' with up-to-date 'technology' to enhance the competitive strength of our clients by providing them with superior and valuable services. transcosmos currently offers services that support clients' business processes focusing on both sales expansion and cost optimization through our 173 bases across 28 countries/regions with a focus on Asia, while continuously pursuing Operational Excellence. Furthermore, following the expansion of e-commerce market on the global scale, transcosmos provides a comprehensive One-Stop Global E-Commerce Services to deliver our clients' excellent products and services to consumers in 46 countries/regions around the globe. transcosmos aims to be the 'Global Digital Transformation Partner' of our clients, supporting the clients' transformation by leveraging digital technology, responding to the ever-changing business environment. Visit us here

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