Traction Method Behind Surge in Sales for Texas-Based EHR Vendor

Fifty-two-year-old Company Embraces Cutting-edge Marketing Strategies and Finds Great Success

Image of Heath Fellows By Heath Fellows.
Updated Oct 10, 2021

AUSTIN, Texas (PRWEB) October 10, 2021 - By October 1, a software vendor in long-term care, Experience Care, surpassed its annual goals in sales, three months ahead of schedule. This is largely due to its adoption of the business strategies put forth in Gino Wickmans Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business.

In 2012, Wickman published a work that advised businesses to embrace an Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) in order to reach the success they envision for themselves. This process consists of six components: vision, people, data, issues, process, and traction. Wickman argues that, by determining its core values, creating a process by which they can be achieved at different points in time, and putting the right people in the right places, a business will gain traction, or, make real progress toward its goals. Traction would go on to become a best seller and impact how tens of thousands of organizations operate.

One of the businesses to successfully implement the ideas in Traction may come as a bit of a surprise: an electronic health record (EHR) vendor in Texas with over half a century of experience in the long-term care industry. But when 41-year-old CEO Jason Long was brought on to update the organizations business model in July of 2020, he embraced this latest trend. At Experience Care, we truly believe in our mission and the value we provide, he said. So borrowing from the ideas of Traction was a no-brainer.

The means by which the team at Experience Care implemented the ideas from Traction can be summarized as follows:

Long and Experience Cares leadership teams successful experiment using the concepts from Traction should pave the way for more industries to embrace the most cutting-edge approaches in business. For more industry insights, refer to Experience Cares blog, updated multiple times a week. You can also subscribe to the LTC Heroes podcast, which features a different leader in long-term care in each episode.

About Experience Care LLC: Founded in 1969, Experience Care LLC is one of the largest providers of electronic health records, revenue cycle management, and financial systems to skilled nursing facilities, assisted living, continuing care retirement communities, long-term acute care, and other long-term care organizations in the U.S. Experience Cares mission is to make every long-term care organization a fulfilling place to live and work by helping maximize financial success and compliance to achieve the best teams, care, and outcomes.

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