The 20 MSP Continues to Lead M&A Charge with Latest Acquisition

Leading national managed service provider announces 23rd acquisition

Image of Carl Norcott By Carl Norcott.
Updated Aug 2, 2023

PLANO, Texas (PRWEB) August 02, 2023 - Leading managed IT services provider The 20 MSP today announced its acquisition of Inerva Technology Advisors, a well-known and highly reputable IT firm headquartered in Saint Louis, MO.

With twenty-three successful deals under its belt and ten just this year The 20 plans to sustain its M&A momentum in the coming months as it looks to strengthen its national footprint and deepen its presence in several key markets.

The companys M&A surge is fueled by The 20 MSP Group, a network of independently owned IT providers that leverage The 20s tool stack, support desk, and business model to achieve newfound growth and scalability.

Were exclusively acquiring MSPs within the group, Conkle shared. This makes things a breeze from an integration perspective, and minimally disruptive to end clients. It also ensures the sort of cultural compatibility that can often prove elusive in these sorts of deals. We get onto the same page as the companies were acquiring long before any deals are brought to the table, and I think thats been crucial to our success.

As a member of The 20 MSP Group, Inerva achieved impressive and rapid growth, leveraging The 20s service delivery model, community of experts, and industry-leading sales model to expand its client base and find success across a variety of industry verticals.

Adding Inerva to the team gives us a huge boost in terms of resources and expertise, especially in the healthcare industry. remarked Conkle. Were getting bigger because we want to get better, and this latest move will help us do exactly that. Im excited on our clients behalf for the improvements coming their way.

The 20 shows no signs of slowing down as it charges forward with an effective M&A strategy and an array of potential acquisition candidates in the pipeline. In the coming months, the company aims to solidify its presence in major metropolitan areas across the U.S., with a strong focus on expanding its portfolio of offerings and enhancing its support model to better address the dynamic needs of its diverse client base.

We have momentum, a clear vision, and a process that works, said Conkle. And if anything, were only gaining enthusiasm as we go, spurred on by the progress weve made and energized by whats to come.

Pinecrest Capital Partners served as the exclusive financial advisor to The 20 MSP on the acquisition and associated financing.

About The 20 MSP

The 20 MSP has been helping businesses succeed through better technology since 1986. As a leading provider of managed IT services, The 20 MSP serves thousands of businesses nationwide, providing each one with white glove service, secure and streamlined IT infrastructure, and 24/7/365 support. We believe in building lasting relationships with clients founded on trust, communication, and the delivery of high-value services for a fair and predictable price. Our clients' success is our success, and we are committed to helping each and every organization we serve leverage technology to secure a competitive advantage and achieve new growth. To learn more, visit

About The 20

The 20 is an exclusive consortium for Managed Service Providers (MSP) aimed at dominating and revolutionizing the IT industry with its standardized all-in-one approach. The 20s robust RMM, PSA, and documentation platform ensures superior service for its MSPs clients utilizing their completely US-based Help Desk and Network Operations Center. Extending beyond proven tools and processes, The 20 touts a proven sales model, a community of industry-leading MSPs, and ultimate scalability. To learn more, visit

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