SAFE Credit Union brings virtual financial education program to area schools

SAFE Credit Union will bring is popular Bite of Reality fairs to Sacramento area high schools and nonprofits serving youths in April to celebrate Financial Literacy Month. For the first time, SAFE will offer the programs in a virtual environment.

Image of Sarah Bendorf By Sarah Bendorf.
Updated Apr 1, 2021

FOLSOM, Calif. (PRWEB) April 01, 2021 - SAFE Credit Union will bring is popular Bite of Reality fairs to Sacramento area high schools and nonprofits serving youths in April to celebrate Financial Literacy Month. For the first time, SAFE will offer the programs in a virtual environment.

Fewer than 1 percent of California students receive any sort of financial education in schools, says SAFE Credit Union Financial Wellness Manager Carrie Johnson. This lack of financial education can lead to young adults learning from mistakes that can impact them for years. SAFE is excited to step in and fill this very real need for students to learn personal financial basics to prepare them for adulthood.

Bite of Reality fairs are interactive simulations where participants receive a persona with a certain income, debt, and family size. Participants are given a variety of real-world scenarios where they pay expenses such as rent and make purchases including vehicles, food, and baby supplies. SAFE representatives help them with their budget and provide feedback to the students at the end of the simulation.

Its exciting to see how engaged the students become during a Reality Fair, Johnson says. My favorite part is at the end when they share their a-ha moments. One girl said she was never going to bug her mother about buying her new clothes ever again. For many students, this is the first time theyve really seen the kinds of financial decisions theyll have to make as adults.

Bite of Reality fairs are part of a larger effort by SAFE to improve financial wellness of youths and the community. SAFE offers job experience and financial training to high school students through its High School Branch program at three campuses. It offers a robust financial education program for the community through no-cost webinars on topics including managing credit, creating budgets, car loans, first-time homebuying, and living trusts.

About SAFE SAFE Credit Union has made members an integral part of its vision since 1940. It is a leading financial institution in Northern California with $4 billion in assets and about 240,000 members. In addition to banking services conveniently available through online, chat, mobile, or phone options, SAFE offers in-person care for members and small businesses at service centers across the Greater Sacramento region. Insured by NCUA.

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