RMA Associates Announces Appointment of New Vice President

RMA Associates, a CPA and Consulting firm that delivers Federal Government-focused audit, consulting, and advisory services, welcomes Jeffrey McGowan to the team. Mr. McGowan stepped into the role of Vice President at RMA Associates in June of this year. As Vice President, Mr. McGowan will lead RMAs efforts to expand capabilities and offerings.

Image of Dana Cone By Dana Cone.
Updated Jul 26, 2021

ARLINGTON, Va. (PRWEB) July 26, 2021 - Mr. McGowan joins RMA Associates with 35 years of leadership experience in Business Development and Business Operations, accompanied by a proven track record in the Information Technology and Services Industry, IT Procurement, Requirements Analysis, and Recruiting.

Jeff is an accomplished industry leader with a wealth of experience helping agencies achieve their mission. We look forward to his contributions, said Reza Mahbod, President of RMA.

Mr. McGowan stated, I am grateful for the incredible opportunity to serve as an RMA Vice President. Our goal is to partner with government agencies to put timely, inclusive, and accurate health-related data to work securely across the entire value chain using state-of-the-art consulting and data analytics techniques in a continuous improvement environment. Our business is information validation. We will assist agencies with access to all data sets and ensure that data can be trusted while staying attuned to the rapid changes that are happening along the way.


RMA Associates, LLC (RMA) is a small and growing professional services firm that provides audit, consulting, and advisory services. RMA provides measurable and lasting results through creative thinking, data sharing, digital transformation, anticipating outcomes, and simplifying the complex.

To learn more about RMA Associates, visit https://www.rmafed.com/

To learn more about Mr. McGowan, visit https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffrey-m-78ab8b14/

For press and media inquiries, please contact info@rmafed.com

Connect with RMA Associates on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/company/rmafed/

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