NAIFAs Congressional Conference Takes Advisors Grassroots Influence to Capitol Hill

Meetings with lawmakers and staff share advisors' Main Street stories with policymakers whose decisions impact the financial security of American families and businesses.

Image of Justin Johnson By Justin Johnson.
Updated May 24, 2022

FALLS CHURCH, Va. (PRWEB) May 24, 2022 - Insurance and financial advisors from states across the country visited Capitol Hill for meetings with more than 325 congressional offices, including lawmakers and senior staff. The day on the Hill is the highlight of Day 2 of NAIFAs annual Congressional Conference.

The Congressional Conference is the signature grassroots advocacy event of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors. It returned as an in-person event in Washington, D.C., this year. Traditionally the largest association fly-in in the insurance and financial services industry, Congressional Conference has been held as a virtual event the past two years due to COVID-19 restrictions.

More than 500 financial professionals registered to attend. They received advocacy briefings and grassroots training. The keynote speaker for Day 1 of the Congressional Conference was Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE), an influential member of the Senate Finance and Budget Committees. A Day 1 CEO panel, moderated by NAIFA CEO Kevin Mayeux, CAE, featured the leaders of top industry associations: Wayne Chopus, President and CEO of the Insured Retirement Institute, George Nichols, III, President and CEO of The American College, and Susan Neely, President and CEO of the American Council of Life Insurers.

During meetings with lawmakers and staff, attendees discussed the important services insurance and financial advisors provide Main Street Americans and how policy decisions impact NAIFAs goal of providing financial security for all. They encouraged Senators to pass the SECURE 2.0 retirement legislation and asked lawmakers to preserve the status of agents and advisors as independent contractors.

The Congressional Conference is NAIFAs signature advocacy event and is crucial to our grassroots strategy, said NAIFA CEO Kevin Mayeux, CAE. The event brings NAIFA members together as a critical mass to advocate on behalf of their businesses, clients, consumers, and the insurance and financial services industry. At Congressional Conference, financial professionals speak as a unified voice on behalf of their clients and communities. Lawmakers are keenly receptive to the stories and ideas of agents and advisors who work directly with Main Street Americans, making the impact of the event undeniable.

This years Congressional Conference builds on the grassroots success of NAIFAs December National Leadership Conference. At that event, NAIFA members were among the first groups allowed to visit reopened congressional offices, which had been closed to the public under security restrictions and COVID-19 protocols.

The Congressional Conference bolsters NAIFAs prestige among lawmakers and industry partners and enhances the associations standing as the leading voice for insurance and financial professionals. It is crucial for ensuring lawmakers thoroughly understand the important role insurance and financial professionals play in:

ABOUT NAIFA: The National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors is the preeminent membership association for the multigenerational community of financial professionals in the United States. NAIFA members subscribe to a strong Code of Ethics and represent a full spectrum of financial services practice specialties. They work with families and businesses to help Americans improve financial literacy and achieve financial security. NAIFA provides producers a national community for advocacy, education and networking along with awards, publications and leadership opportunities to allow NAIFA members to differentiate themselves in the marketplace. NAIFA has 53 state and territorial chapters and 35 large metropolitan local chapters. NAIFA members in every congressional district advocate on behalf of producers and consumers at the state, interstate and federal levels.

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