Jim Patrick Raises Awareness for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Jim Patrick, CEO of CutisCare, and his company are raising awareness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy through a national advertising and outreach initiative. The initiative is referred to as the Hyperbaric Awareness Campaign and was designed by Kelly Casares, head of marketing at CutisCare.

Image of Erin Cahill By Erin Cahill.
Updated May 26, 2022

BOCA RATON, Fla. (PRWEB) May 26, 2022 - Since leading C?tisCare, Jim Patrick has raised awareness for hyperbaric oxygen therapy by developing and managing hospital-based outpatient hyperbaric and wound care programs. More recently, Jim has raised awareness through the development of vascular and physician office-based practice programs focused on hyperbaric oxygen, wound care, and limb salvage.

CutisCare is a national leader in championing these new programs aimed at delivering better care in convenient patient-friendly settings, and making this care more affordable.

Under Jim Patricks guidance, CutisCare is pioneering the expansion of wound care and hyperbaric oxygen services outside the traditional hospital outpatient setting.

To support this expansion, Cutiscare recently completed a follow on capital raise with key shareholders led by Bison Capital, a financial partner, and leader in middle-market healthcare financing. The company has raised additional debt financing to improve its ability to invest in new programs.

When receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy, patients breathe in pure oxygen in pressurized conditions. This form of treatment has been effective when administered to people suffering from decompression sickness, a common issue for scuba divers.

It is an accepted and covered therapy for numerous health indications covered by Medicare and Commercial Insurance, including severe diabetic foot ulcers, failed skin flaps, late effects of radiation therapy, and chronic osteomyelitis.

Although not generally covered by insurance in the United States, Hyperbaric Oxygen has also been used worldwide to treat traumatic brain injury, late effects of stroke, dementia, concussions, anti-aging, and numerous other conditions where blood flow to tissue or vital organs has been compromised.

Presently, CutisCare, Jim Patrick, and head of marketing Kelly Casares have launched a national Hyperbaric Awareness Campaign. Mays Hyperbaric Awareness USATM is off to an excellent start as UHMS will be featuring content for Hyperbaric Aware throughout the month of May. The campaign to raise awareness for hyperbaric oxygen therapy will include emails and social media posts to help spread the word while informing patients and physicians about the advantages of the treatment.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or, HBOT, can treat wounds and infections that have not improved after administering standard treatments. By raising awareness for hyperbaric oxygen therapy, Jim Patrick is helping educate physicians while benefiting patients in need of healing. His success as an investor serves as an inspiration to fellow entrepreneurs while his passion for hyperbaric oxygen therapy makes him a champion in the medical arena.

About Jim Patrick: Jim Patrick has an impressive portfolio of businesses that have benefitted from his involvement. He has helped companies like National Healing, CutisCare, RegenQuest, and others grow into successful businesses with reputations for excellence. Through the process of establishing hundreds of wound care clinics in outpatient settings across the US, Jim has also improved patient care offered by some of the nation's largest profit and not-for-profit hospital chains, and academic medical centers.

Press Release by SFL Media

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