Iscentials CEO, Warren Barhorst, Inducted into Nationwides Hall of Fame

Iscential is proud to announce CEO, Warren Barhorst, has been inducted into Nationwides P&C Hall of Fame.

Image of Carl Norcott By Carl Norcott.
Updated Aug 29, 2022

HOUSTON (PRWEB) August 29, 2022 - Iscential is proud to announce CEO, Warren Barhorst, has been inducted into Nationwides P&C Hall of Fame. This award recognizes individuals who have forged deep and consistently high performing partnerships with Nationwide. There are only a select group of fewer than 100 agents who have achieved this honor.

Founded in 1993, Warren E. Barhorst Agency Inc. was an exclusive Nationwide Insurance Agency. Warren and his wife Lisa started the agency with little insurance knowledge, but with a dream of building a company they would want to work at. The organization quickly grew with fellow Nationwide agents citing Warren as an especially fast-growing newcomer on the scene as well as having an impressive number of satellite offices. In 2005, the company rebranded to Barhorst Insurance Group (BIG) and in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 was named to the INC. 5000 Fastest Growing Company List. In 2012, the company rebranded to Iscential and shortly after made the first transition of any exclusive Nationwide agency to being independent.

On the award and what it means to him Warren says, I have dreamt about this since the beginning of my career at Nationwidethere was a wall at the old Nationwide sales training center of all the great agents who had made Hall of FameI would sit their and dream about being that person too. Warren is proud to join many of his mentors and coaches who have also been awarded the honor.

Iscential is now on the eve of its 30th year in business and will celebrate its rise to a full-service insurance, risk management, financial services, and consulting firm that represents over 150 carriers, does business throughout the U.S., and has 200 amazing associates that make providing trusted advice and peace of mind to all its client a reality. You can learn more about the award at this video link:

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