By Maria Kingston.
Updated May 25, 2021
PHOENIX (PRWEB) May 25, 2021 - EdTech Awards from EdTech Digest, the largest recognition program in educational technology, shined the spotlight on Picmonic as a Cool Tools 2021 finalist in the higher education solution category. Past winners include Blackboard, Discovery Education, Edmodo, Edthena, Flipgrid, Freshgrade, Promethean, Scholastic, Schoology, SMART Technologies and more.
The worldwide pandemic put education and training to the test, but remote learning and workingin many unexpected waysultimately brought us closer, said Victor Rivero, who as editor-in-chief of EdTech Digest, oversees the program. Solutions, such as Picmonic, have helped students continue to thrive in the midst of trying times.
To date over 1 million healthcare students worldwide have used Picmonic video-quiz lessons to support their learning, resulting in 37 million video plays and more than 115 million quiz questions answered. In addition, Picmonic has been used in over 6,200 schools, in their medical, nursing, physician assistant, physical therapy, pharmacy and other healthcare specialty programs.
Students explain why Picmonic is a leader and innovator in the category. (Picmonic) puts what is being studied into nicely compacted bits of important information that is much easier to retain, according to a medical student. Students also appreciate the fun and engaging approach to learning. According to a nursing student, Picmonic is the best way to learn. I am watching cartoons and getting smart. When I was doing my test, my brain just started to replay the material necessary to answer my question. Hundreds more students have written in to explain how Picmonic helped them become more successful students.
Educators also explain the innovative power of Picmonic to improve learning outcomes for students. My students experience less stress while studying, more confidence in knowledge, and longer recall of information studied. I would absolutely recommend Picmonic to students, especially visual learners, says Julia Young, Professor of Science at Delaware Technical Community College.
Picmonics online learning system is research-proven and aligned to core healthcare curriculum and textbooks, and includes video-quiz lessons featuring visual mnemonic flashcards and low-stakes recall quizzes that make it easier for students to remember hard-to-remember and frequently-tested facts. In 2014, a randomized, subject-blinded, controlled study compared the Picmonic Learning System to text-based material (like textbooks and lecture notes) and found that students improved by 331% in long-term memory retention and increased test scores 50%.
About Picmonic After launching Picmonic for Medicine in 2012, Picmonic expanded their product line to include material covering nursing school courses (RN, LPN, NP), and courses for physician assistant, pharmacy, paramedic, occupational therapy, physical therapy, pre-health students, as well as an introductory medical terminology course. To date, over 1 million students have used the Picmonic Learning System to improve grades and increase board/licensing exam scores on their way to becoming successful healthcare professionals.
About EdTech Digest: EdTech Digest is a leading source of cool tools, interviews, and trends showcasing the future of learning annually honors the best and brightest people, products and groups working in edtech with The EdTech Awards. Cool Tool, Leadership, and Trendsetter honorees span the K-12, Higher Ed, and Skills & Workforce sectors.