Cava undergoes some important changes, with new attention on terroir

The well-known appellation, which is part of the European Quality Wines: Taste the Difference project, has recently undergone some major changes enhancing terroir

Image of Reeves Simmons By Reeves Simmons.
Updated Nov 12, 2021

NEW YORK (PRWEB) November 12, 2021 - Cava sets off for a sparkling journey through the Unites States with a series of in-person activities that will run all over the country underscoring the recent changes related to wine labelling that put the emphasis on quality and origin.

Terroir is central in the new Cava Regulation which, for the first time, recognizes the importance and uniqueness of the many different vineyards where Cava grapes are grown. From now onwards, on a voluntary basis, the producer will be able to mention on the label both zone and subzone of grape origin, as well as stating if the product has been entirely processed at their own winery.

Also, along with the traditional distinction based on sweetness level, the new regulation establishes a new separation between Cava de Guarda, which indicates wines aged for minimum 9 months on the lees, and Cava de Guarda Superior, reserved for wines aged on the lees for at least 18 months and including under its umbrella the Reserva, Gran Reserva and Cava de Paraje Calificado. The ageing time for the Cava Reserva has also been extended from 15 to 18 months whereas ageing requirements have remained the same for Gran Reserva (30 month) and Cava de Paraje Calificado (36 months).

The Cava Seminar scheduled at Corkbuzz on November 30th, Taste The Difference Grand Tasting taking place on December 9th and Cava Discovery Week which ran last October are only some of the many occasions featuring this great sparkling. Similar activities are carried out by the DO Cava which features a proper Cava Academy with online courses running throughout the year - more information can be found on

About TASTE THE DIFFERENCE PROGRAM The program: European quality wines: taste the difference is a project financed by the European Union and managed by Unione Italiana Vini and PRODECA for the promotion of PDO and PGI European wines abroad in China and US. In order to achieve this objective, the TTD.EU program will organize wine seminars, workshops and b2b meetings both in these countries and in Spain and Italy, inviting wine professionals to join study trips to Europe. The program, realized in the span of three years (2021-2023) aims at creating awareness about European quality wines, in particular Italian and Spanish, which share a long tradition and a high standard of quality.

The beneficiaries: Unione Italiana Vini is the oldest and most commissioned Association of the Italian wine market. It represents cooperative, private and agricultural wine-companies, bottlers, consortia, associations and wine-making machines or wine cellars / laboratory manufacturers, located throughout the Italian territory. Promotora de Exportaciones Catalanas (PRODECA) is a public company established in 1986 and added to the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food of the Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

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