Caring Transitions Names Minnesota Franchisees to Rookie Team

Mark and Shawn Gates Honored for their Fast Start with the Franchise

Image of Devon Walls By Devon Walls.
Updated Nov 22, 2022

WOODBURY, Minn. (PRWEB) November 22, 2022 - Caring Transitions, the leader in senior relocation and transition services, is pleased to name Mark and Shawn Gates, owners of Caring Transitions Twin Cities East to the annual Rookie Team.

Rookie Team members are chosen each year for their dedication to the franchise system and early business success. Mark and Shawn opened their location in January of 2021 and have quickly realized success working for families in the Minnesota market.

Caring Transitions brings value to people who are often in a very tough chapter of their lives, said Shawn Gates, co-owner of Caring Transitions Twin Cities East. I am grateful that Mark and I get to work together on something that provides this level of meaning. Its an honor to be recognized in this way.

Mark and Shawn are off to a great start in the Twin Cities, and we are pleased to honor them with a spot on the rookie team, said Ray Fabik, president of Caring Transitions. I know they are going to continue to grow in the future and I cant wait to watch the success.

Caring Transitions is a franchise designed to minimize stress by utilizing specially trained professionals to oversee every detail of a seniors transition with compassion, including decluttering, organizing, packing, move management, unpacking, resettling, and cleanouts. The company also manages both in-home and online estate sales. The online estate sales are hosted on CTBIDS, the brands widely popular auction platform, which can support its clients in liquidating unique and everyday treasures that many cherish.

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About Caring Transitions

Caring Transitions, founded in 2006, is the most trusted and experienced national franchise specializing in senior relocation and transition services. With more than 250 locations throughout the United States, all owned and operated by Certified Relocation and Transition Specialists, Caring Transitions provides clients with supportive moves, auctions, right-sizing, and transitions. This includes expert advice plus a well-executed transition plan beginning with the initial sorting of personal belongings through packing, unpacking, resettling, and selling of items to the final clearing and cleaning of the property. For more information, visit or visit us on Facebook.

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