AtomBeam Surpasses $750,000 from Early Investor Community

After previously raising over $2.4M on StartEngine, AtomBeams second funding round is showing no signs of slowing down.

Image of Samantha Herron By Samantha Herron.
Updated Oct 19, 2022

STOCKHOLM, Sweden (PRWEB) October 19, 2022 - Since the launch of their second equity crowdfunding campaign, AtomBeam has received an overwhelming amount of support from their early adopter community. They recently surpassed a major funding milestone, raising over $750,000 from 360+ early investors.

The fastest growing major source of data is called the Internet of Things (IoT). This is the universe of machines that communicate with one another: your phone, your car, a factory machine - everything is talking to everything. In 2025, according to IDC, IoT will generate 90 zettabytes of data; if every byte - 8 bits - were a grain of rice, one zettabyte would fill the Pacific Ocean. 90 zettabytes is a massive number, and moving all of this data around is a challenge for existing networks. AtomBeam can make that data 75% smaller in real time, which no other technology can do.

AtomBeams game changing software technology increases any IoT connection bandwidth by 4x and adds security in one simple step a cost effective way to enhance machine communications that saves millions of dollars in new hardware investment.

The software also add security; most surveys name security as the #1 or #2 worry for IoT users, and with 98% of IoT data being unsecured, they are right to be concerned. AtomBeams Compaction software not only increases bandwidth by 4x, potentially saving 75% of the cost of connectivity, but it fixes the security problem at the same time.

The potential impact of AtomBeams technology is in the billions of dollars instead of spending more on network capacity, AtomBeams Compaction can be the far cheaper solution. Add to that the benefits of added IoT security (another big market), intrusion detection, blockchain, defense, medical applications - any one of these is a big market by itself. AtomBeam has 13 issued and 12 pending patents to protect this incredible technology that has the potential to literally change the world.

Visit AtomBeams StartEngine raise page for more information surrounding their groundbreaking technology.

About AtomBeam AtomBeam is a groundbreaking new technology that has the power to transform the fastest growing source of data in the world, the data generated by the machines all around us. AtomBeams patented software enables machines to communicate over any network 4x faster and with better security using a simple firmware upgrade, which no other solution can equal without massive investments in hardware.

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