Advize Health Receives HUBZone Certification from the Small Business Administration

HUBZone program provides Advize Health with new opportunities for federal contracting.

Image of Erin Cahill By Erin Cahill.
Updated Aug 13, 2021

ORLANDO, Fla. (PRWEB) August 13, 2021 - Advize Health LLC, a Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB) that consults with various firms to work on federal contracts is pleased to announce it has been certified to participate in the Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) program by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).

Each year, the Federal Government has an annual goal of awarding 3% of all federal prime contracts to HUBZone-certified small business concerns. As a HUBZone-certified business, Advize Health will have the opportunity to receive competitive and sole source contracts with the Federal Government, as well as to help with federal procurement and contracting offers to achieve their set-aside targets.

Advize Health went through a rigorous review process in order to confirm that all requirements set forth by the program were met. To achieve HUBZone certification, Advize Health had to meet a range of criteria that included having its principal office located in a federally mapped HUBZone area and having more than 35% of its employees residing in HUBZone-designated areas.

I am excited to announce that Advize Health is being recognized for achieving the HUBZone certification, says CEO Jeanmarie Loria. As a part of the HUBZone program, we look forward to the new opportunities to work with many more clients as a result of this certification.

About Advize Health Advize Health provides a full suite of services to healthcare organizations of all sizes, from government entities to commercial payers, group practices, hospitals, and clinics. Focused on reducing the cost of healthcare and improving the quality of delivery, our client approach is uniquely straightforward and effective. We hire and manage the subject matter experts (SMEs) to provide the best for our clients without having the marked-up price of our competitors. We have strong legal experience and are called upon to provide guidance on cases as well and transitional work such as Mergers and Acquisitions. Visit us at or follow us on LinkedIn at

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